View Full Version : Oral Problem

01-18-2003, 05:05 PM
I have a problem...

No matter who the woman is, (there have been a few) who goes down on me, And proforms oral sex on me, I can't cum. I've had it sucked on for hours at a time, and I get nothing. I've mastered the art of masterbating, and regular sex. I can cum both ways. BUt whenever a girl is sucking on me, I can't seem to cum.

Now, I know to some girls, this would be a gift, because they don't like the taste, so they'll say not to worry about it. But, The person who is currently with me likes it. So, how do I fix this?

Is it a gift, or a curse?

How long does it take for you GUYS to cum during oral sex?

Does anyone else have this problem?

Does anyone have a suggestion?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


01-18-2003, 05:14 PM
Hi there!

My SO for the longest time just could not come during oral.......I was kind of insulted, thought I must suck at it ;):p pun intended! When we started talking about it he like you thought many women did not like the taste......so the first time I got him drunk, played with his back door while sucking his cock and he blew my head off I made it over like it was fucking caviar......mmmmmmm, lick my lips, yummmmm.......you know what I mean;)

Adding anal stimulation while she performs oral may just do the trick;)

01-18-2003, 10:23 PM
jerking off roughly desensitizes your dick and releases the pressure which makes it harder to get off

01-18-2003, 11:19 PM
If i stop yanking my crank, that I'll gain sensitivity back, or is it gone forever?

Troubled by this new revalation,


01-18-2003, 11:37 PM
You must cease all masturbation immediately:D:D:p

Nooooooooooooo just don't jack off for a couple of days and then get her to blow ya!!!

01-20-2003, 03:18 PM
So, maybe I should stop forever. Maybe themn, my chances of "getting there" will increase by 100% !

YAY! That would rock!


I've always wanted to do it, just never had the luck. Thanks for the advice!

Ooh! I'll keep ya updated.

*Unless she just sucks, at sucking.*

Oh well. Thanks, and I'll TTYL.



01-20-2003, 09:17 PM
Can't relate dude. I pity the poor lady who sucks it for "hours". Sore jaw, mouth, etc. If it doesn't work for you, just stop it. Do something else.
It rocks my boat, so I go off like a triphammer with oral.

01-20-2003, 10:33 PM
I agree with Lilith.
I was having problems getting my partner to orgasm with oral sex until I added in that little bit of anal stimulation. He went of like a rocket. Now its a regular feature ;)