View Full Version : I've read almost 80% of all stories here!

02-05-2003, 03:51 AM
When I was 19 years old I was really getting active in the writing genre. I was fortunate to have a very good English Literature teacher who encouraged me in writing short stories, scripts, and even try my hand at novels. I was doing quite well but then unfortunately, games like Counter-Strike and Diablo 2 :LOD were developed. I totally dropped all the work I was doing and sadly even lost the only copies of the work I had done. In fact, my whole reason for being on Pixies was due to the Stories (erotic). I was a realitive newbie when it came to writing literature and when I wrote a story I would not invision it in real time, rather, I would draw it out more like an essay. It wasnt' until I read Erotic literature that I started to imagine literarary works in Real Time. (being in the moment) not thinking about the future or past, but just writing about the feeling of the moment, not knowing how one got there and not fully realizing where it may lead to. I can clearly remember the first story I read, about a boy who found out that he could clearly see into his sister's bedroom without his sister knowing, and throughout the story on how he spied on his sister and her friends as they came over for sleepovers and shared some of their most intimate sercrets and showed off their beautiful bodies.

If I hadn't read that story I don't think that my writing would have progressed to the point that it did. Now that I am 23 I feel a longing to pick up where I left off. My point of writing this, is to Thank all the people who took the time to share their stories/experiences with others and to thank Kim for creating a site like this. I just want everyone to know, that their stories did make an impression on me and that their ability to be open and candid about virtually any topic helped me get through the periods in my life where I needed guidance. (like all teenagers and even adults do) I am glad to be part of the Technological revolution where the awkwardness of not knowing or having to ask someone is no longer needed...

Once again Thank you and please keep those stories flowing,


02-06-2003, 02:11 AM
I guess I speak for all the authors in this thread by thanking you for your comment and compliment. :)