View Full Version : Job interviews and applications

10-31-2003, 04:43 AM
Hey guys,
I'm doing the whole application/interview thing for a job soon, got any tips? In particular, I seem to have trouble "selling myself" and expanding on anwers...

10-31-2003, 05:00 AM
The term "Selling yourself", was first used by employers to convey thier first impressions of the potential employee,
You sell yourself in the first 30 seconds of the interview:

Pesentation - dress ready for business

Communication - be the first to greet the selection panel( or employer) introduce yourself, do not wait for them to address you

Eye for detail - Do think about your answer, and give concise and pointed answers, and do not try to expand an answer unless it is required to be of indeapth detail

Show confidence - be a little on the assertive side, without being arrogant when speaking, make sure you are heard, speak firmly and clearly

And a good one if you have a male interviewer,

Have a good firm handshake, nothing is more off putting than someone who's greeting is like grabbing hold of fairyfloss

Good luck!

10-31-2003, 07:07 AM
Excellent suggestions. I can understand having trouble expanding on your answers. Try to do some practice questions as home, use higher order questions, "what if....", " what are your feelings on...". Another thing I ALWAYS do is prepare a question about their company/business in particular. They always ask in the end if you have any questions and they expect the questions to be salary or about the job description. If you ask a question about a procedure or how they actually handle a situation it shows them you are thinking beyond the interview.

10-31-2003, 09:56 AM
I always do as much research as I can on the company so I can answer questions and apply some things to the company, too.

Also, don't be afraid of pausing for a few seconds to thing about an answer.

10-31-2003, 09:58 AM
Show self-confidence!When,I applied at a local boat manufacturer,
I was already foreman & head mechanic,at a competing manufacturer.I also had a home business,of building & tuning,
custom motorcycles.Naturally,you want to get hired,but if you don't,it's no big thing.The only reason,that I applied,was that it
saved a long commute & a Toll, each way.I was interviewed by the Plant manager & the production manager.They asked what I
wanted monetarily,I told them(I gave a lesser $ figure,then I was
making.I brought an old pay stub,to show them.)They said-"We don't pay that much here."I said-"Well,I guess you don't want me then!"Before,I got to the door,they HIGHERED me,for my requested amount.Your reputation,as a good worker & problem solver, goes farther then you think!Just don't act too anxious!I know it sounds
easy but I wish that I knew this when I was younger! Irish
P.P.S.Above all,Don't lie about your capabilites,they might check!

Teddy Bear
10-31-2003, 11:17 AM
All good advice!!

I can't think of anything to add except make sure you don't have spinach in your teeth..... lol

But more then that GOOD LUCK (((((Belial)))))!!!!

10-31-2003, 12:21 PM
Excellent advice thus far!

One thing I NEVER EVER do.......(sorry Irish)........is fill in the space....or divulge in any way.........my current or expected salary base. When I'm asked why.....and I always am.....I reply, "If I tell you what I make or would like to make.......and it's less than what you are willing to pay...I've cut my nose off to spite my face...now haven't I"? They usually get a chuckle from this and then tell me their "starting salary" rate....to which we can always negotiate and/or accept or turn down!

Oh....and one other thing.........and this is truly important! Never lie......always give a firm handshake (even if it's a woman who conducts the interview)......and always look them straight in the eye (after you have thought about their question and you're ready to give your answer)! OK....that was three things.....but they go hand in hand! LOL!

Good Luck Sweety!

LMAO@TeddyBear and her spinach answer! But while you're checking for that....cup your hand over your mouth and puff into the palm.........and get a Tic-Tac!!!! Oh geezzzzz!

10-31-2003, 12:47 PM
Lixy---Just to let you know.The reason that I told them what
my salary expectation were,was that I already made more
than they were offering.I brought a pay stub,to prove to them that I wasn't lying & there was NO reason to leave the other job,
unless they made it worth my time.In two weeks,I was the head mechanic,instead of their current one.He ended up under me.They
thought that he was knowledgeable,until they had a comparison.
In other words,he had them 'Bullshit!" Irish
P.S.I'm not saying that I was the best.Just better then him!

10-31-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Irish
Lixy---Just to let you know.The reason that I told them what
my salary expectation were,was that I already made more
than they were offering.I brought a pay stub,to prove to them that I wasn't lying & there was NO reason to leave the other job,
unless they made it worth my time.
I understood that Irish! What I meant was......initially, one might not know the salary base offered....unless it was clearly stated in a classified ad or upon query on your part....and so if I don't know what they are offering...I don't tell them what I am seeking till I do know what they are offering. I like putting the ball in the other court....so I can stand back and ponder my options whilst not in the action...........;)

10-31-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by LixyChick
I don't tell them what I am seeking till I do know what they are offering. I like putting the ball in the other court....so I can stand back and ponder my options whilst not in the action...........;)

I'm with you, Lixy. My last job interview was a few weeks ago. The ad had specified that you state your salary expectations in your cover letter. I "forgot" to include salary and still got an interview. The ball should be in their court.

11-01-2003, 03:24 AM
At the end of the interview -- ask for the job. Try to "close the sale" and they will beimpressed. Ask by telling them you want the job, and summarizing the top 3-4 reasons you're their best pick. Use examples from the discussion in the interview.

You'll have em eating outta your hand.


11-01-2003, 07:11 AM
What everyone has said above. I'm not going to comment on the salary thing - that's a personal judgement call.

But the most important piece of advice I can give you is simply to KNOW YOUR SHIT.
If you know the job back to front, and are good at it, and can convince them you can do it well for them, then they're either going to employ you or make a big mistake.
If you know someone else in the company who might know about the job you're applying for, try and sus them out to get an idea of the exact nature of the work. If they have any problems, think of a few solutions for them. If you know people doing that particular job at another company, suss them out too - find out in detail what they do and see if there are any differences that might work at the company you're applying for.
Wow them with your brilliance!
Relax, and be yourself - don't try putting on airs or pretending you're somehting you're not. For one thing, they'll see through it, and if not you'll find yourself in a job that probably won't suit you.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes mate!

11-02-2003, 06:00 AM
When I used to do interviews, I always asked what it was about our company that made them want to work here. It's surprising, but some didn't know what we did. :(

Also, if the field you're getting into has many facets (like data processing/information technology) have some idea of what it is you actually want to do. Inventory applications or accounting. Robotics or technical support. Good to think about before you're asked.


11-02-2003, 06:11 AM
DON'T FART!!!!!!!

11-02-2003, 06:15 AM
Job interviews ~ Turn up


applications ~ Remember to post it or deliver it


11-02-2003, 08:08 AM

Show up a few minutes early but not too early..no more than 10 minutes.

11-04-2003, 03:04 PM
Any updates, Belial?

11-26-2003, 07:59 AM
Just found out I missed out. I was nervous in the interview and came off as a typical introverted techie and it was thought I'd have difficulty as the first three months would involve a lot of contact with clients, plus they couldn't justify hiring someone with no commercial experience who also doesn't quite have a degree.


On to the next opportunity I guess...I really wanted this one though.

Teddy Bear
11-29-2003, 04:09 AM
So sorry (((((Belial)))))....

Something will come along thats just right for you!

Think positive & never give up.

teddy :):):):):)

11-29-2003, 05:42 AM
Thanks teddy *hugs*

I was told that they're going to hire 4-5 people and I was 6th...they said to give them a call when I've finished my degree.

11-29-2003, 12:54 PM
That sounds encouraging, Belial! How long until you finish your degree?

Keep looking and applying . . . you'll get something!

11-29-2003, 07:49 PM
July 2004. I have one more unit to go.

01-21-2004, 06:18 AM
To the top with this one. The things I do for Lixy

01-21-2004, 07:03 AM
Wait, 2 subjects to go. Failed another one :(

01-21-2004, 07:05 AM
Failed what?

01-21-2004, 07:24 AM
Systems Analysis and Design

01-21-2004, 07:37 AM
well chin up mate and knuckle down and pass the buggers