View Full Version : BBW and quotes

03-05-2002, 03:41 PM
Does anybody know a site that has some great BBW quotes? I'm so tired of idiotic immature men who say bigger size women don't know how to please a man. I tend to think we're better at it :) Sorry to sound so harsh, but I just had a fight with a few of those men who think bigger is nasty. Society is cruel.

03-05-2002, 04:13 PM
Society can be very cruel... It's true that a lot of guys think that way and a lot don't. It would be nice if those that do would keep it to themselves, but that's what makes them immature. As far as a site with quotes, I'm afraid I can offer no assistance in that realm... I do offer some hope, howerver... Not ALL guys are stuck to the idea of a size 1 waist or feel the need to justify their preference by insulting the larger populous.

03-05-2002, 05:47 PM
Fallen......unfortunately nor can i offer any quotes.......
But i had to write you and let you know that my wife is a BBW and i wouldn't have her any other way!!!!!!!
She worries bout her weight, but i try and just encourage her to be happy as she is............
She is the light of my life and i just want you to know that as far as i can tell, all of us here at Pixies LOVE BBW!!!!!!!!

03-05-2002, 06:36 PM
Fallen_Angel---Having brought up two daughters that modeled
clothing in fashion shows;I saw more then my share of the men that you are talking about.It is not your job to please them.Did
you ever notice that the men(especially on TV shows)that complain
the most about their S.O. or other woman;are usually not the
greatest of physical specimens;themselves.As a matter of fact;
most of them are almost ugly.They are probably just trying to divert the attention away from themselves.I don't know of a site
that specialises in quotes;either! Irish

03-05-2002, 07:43 PM
I heard this from a friend of mine...

"I maybe fat...(she then pointed to the person) but your ugly....and at least i can, if i chose, do something about my weight

She then proceeded to casually walk of leaving the person there :D

03-05-2002, 07:53 PM
Well thanks everyone for your input. I was just a little apalled today when a guy told me to take down my pics on my profile, as I was "offending" the public. I was in shock when he said that. He then procceded to tell me how bigger women suck in bed, and that we shouldn't be walking around in public. I don't consider myself overweight. True I may have an extra few pounds, (5'5" and 170lbs) but I know I'm not obese. He gave a lot of other rude remarks too, so that just set me off today. The nerve of some people! I still say bigger women are better in bed :) There is one quote I like that goes like this "One thing's for sure, you won't ever hear anyone's last words be "Gee I wish I had eaten more rice cakes during my life."

03-05-2002, 08:23 PM
I am doing a search of the net for quote relating to bigger ppl....and found this one

"Well, yes, I am fat and you are not. However, I have a kind and gentle heart, and treat all people with respect, which I see you do not."

03-05-2002, 08:49 PM
but I do have a kind word or two.

Its the person you are Fallen Angel that matters, not your body shape. I have known some women with adorable bodies and hearts of ice. They are not worth worrying about.

Are you comfortable with you? If you are then thats what matters.
Some peoples preference are towards thinner so thats their choice but to be nasty to you because you dont fit into their mould is inexcusable and rude.

If you cant say something nice, say nothing.

I like Pixies because the vast majority of members are so supportive. You can have an opinion and voice it but it is 99% done without denigrading anyone. It is a family of good people.

You have my support Fallen and I am sorry you were treated like that by opiniated idiots.

Take care Hun - Ian M aka Grumbleguts

03-05-2002, 09:08 PM
RIGHT ON GG!!!!!!! I think a popular saying that is kinda one of the rules(should be atleast!) here at Pixie's is ''if ya can't say something nice.... keep your yap shut!!!!!!
I'd love to see your pics.... are they here????what's the thread title??????? I love watching my BIG AND OH SO BEAUTIFUL WOMAN cook(nothing but an apron), and work around the house nude. some times she doesn't get much done!!lol
AS long as i've been here i can tell you that you will recieve full support from the majority of us and to hell with the rest!!!!

03-05-2002, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Fallen_Angel
...I was just a little apalled today when a guy told me to take down my pics on my profile, as I was "offending" the public. I was in shock when he said that. He then procceded to tell me how bigger women suck in bed, and that we shouldn't be walking around in public. I don't consider myself overweight. True I may have an extra few pounds, (5'5" and 170lbs) but I know I'm not obese. He gave a lot of other rude remarks too, so that just set me off today. The nerve of some people!...

Fallen_Angel ---

I'm more than just "a little appalled," I'm downright pissed off! I can't believe that anyone would have the nerve, the heartlessness, or the sheer stupidity to say something like that! Sometimes what Sartre said is true: "Hell is other people." (Yikes, that's probably the most negative thought I've had in aeons --- shows you how ticked off I am!)

I have to say, I am not that different from you in height or weight (5'6" and 160#, if that matters to anyone) and I cannot imagine anyone being so ignorant as to say something like that to me. True, if I go out with a group of friends I'm not usually the first one to get hit on, but all you have to do is look at my thread of pics here and you'll see that there are plenty of guys who do find this body attractive. (Unless they're all delusional? or lying? which I doubt... :rolleyes: ) I'm far from skinny but I don't particularly consider myself a BBW either --- I'm just me, and I'm the size I am, and that's fine by me. I think it was Robert Munsch (the children's author) who wrote: "I like my skin / It's the house I am living in / It's not like you but that's OK too."


I don't have much to offer you in the way of smart retorts, but I can tell you one thing that has buoyed my self-image in days gone by (before I started posting pics here and had all the compliments to boost me instead :o ) --- the shape of my body was considered a healthy ideal for millennia before the modern marketing agencies came along and decided to reinvent womanhood. In some 'traditional' cultures today fat is still highly valued because it is a sign of health and wealth; only in our culture of excess and wastage do we find that perfectly normal women like ourselves are made to feel bad for our size.

I'll step off the feminist soapbox now... Wouldn't want it to break under my enormous weight, after all! :p :D :rolleyes:

--- sweetstuff

03-06-2002, 12:34 AM
I'm 5'10",I weigh 214-220 and weight train almost daily!I wish that he would tell me that my weight"offends"him.I would;politely;
tell him that muscle weighs more then fat and then politely kick
his ass! Irish
P.S.Violence never solved anything but it sure makes you feel better!

03-06-2002, 01:49 AM
Sounds like he just wanted to piss you off... and succeeded... alas, I know only too well how hard it is to not let the bastards get to you, but let me say that I love women in most all shapes & sizes, but to hold up in bed with this Big Man, give me a woman with some built-in padding... I'd be afraid of hurting a petite woman!

BTW, I prefer a woman who sucks in bed... ;)

03-06-2002, 02:43 AM
On the other side of this rather nasty comment, it does have one up side, and that being that it leaves a LOT more BBW's out there for those of us who do appreaciate you.

and I for one am very greatfull that BBW's ARE great lover's

03-06-2002, 03:43 AM
Hi all, back again after being away for too long, just had to add my comments on this matter. 90% of my experience is with BBW's.
Not that any other type of womans body is wrong, I have always felt that bbw's only have to walk into a room & they exude an aura of total eroticness & warmth & pure sexual feeling. It does not matter to me about what other people may think, but you only have to check out posts from the likes of Sharniqua,White Tigress, Large Lady,Gysmo, Honey Pot & so many others to see this. I my self am not particuarly small, & confidence does get knocked easily when there are so many negative people out there. Oh Well enough ranting !! Back to the Pics.

03-06-2002, 04:07 AM
Can I just add my bit to this.....

My personal preference is ......I'm not bothered what a woman looks like, how big or small she is if i talk to her and she is easy to talk to and we get on then thats all that matters. Its what is inside that matters like grumbleguts said before!! if you have a loving heart and you are happy with yourself then no one else should be bothered.

i love women all shapes and sizes...thats half the fun. You have to explore them all cause everyone is different!!;)

03-06-2002, 07:50 AM
Fallen Angel

If you feel that someone has criticised you excessively or

hurtfully, PM Diva.

Everyone that matters here knows that the lady who lives

behind the eyes is the most important part of a woman.

Your body is the vehicle for that lady and is to be respected for

this. If this person has a problem with this, it's his problem, not

yours. Sounds like someone who was asked to leave recently,

one Dave the Great. More I think of it, more I think it's a Diva


BTW, BBW give the BEST cuddles.

03-06-2002, 12:06 PM
my g/f and I are both a bit overweight but she was talking to a guy who said " I love dating fat chicks, they're so attention craving that they'll do anything in bed..." my g/f ended up holding me back and pulling me out of the room which she often does around ignorant people since I'm a very passionate person and I defend those I love (and myself).


03-06-2002, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Fallen_Angel
I don't consider myself overweight. True I may have an extra few pounds, (5'5" and 170lbs) but I know I'm not obese.

That HT/WT sounds rather sexy to me! And Curvy! Yummm!
I know it's hard to ignore, but this guy's just a jerk, plain and simple. There's definitely a lot of guys here that appreciate a sexy, curvacious figure... ;) I wouldn't call your pics anything except something I'd like to see!! :D You've got a lot of support here, that's for sure! :cool:

03-06-2002, 01:29 PM
Sharni---Your thread reminds me of a ;I think that it was W.C.Fields;skit that I once saw.His opponent said"You're drunk."
He replied"You're ugly!Tomorrow;I'll be sober but you'll still be ugly!" Irish

03-06-2002, 03:28 PM
Good one, Irish!!
Bama just goes to show ya how few braincells some jerks have...
and how self-centered some people can be.......personally,,,,,
i love it when the kids are in school and my wife goes around closing the blinds...........i know i'm in for some interesting ''housecleaning''..........usually doesn't get anything but the dusting done........lol

03-07-2002, 10:10 AM
i love bbw...they are more caring sharing and friendly and i find that it doesn't matter what is on the outside it is about heart mind and personality... weither you are big or small tall or short if you have a strong mind big heart and loads of personality.... you get my attention over any poser any day

03-07-2002, 01:34 PM
Am I the only one here who's seen "Queens Of Comedy"?

Monique says it best...I laughed so hard I cried... I won't give it away (mostly because I am afraid of mis-quoting) but if you get a chance to see it, DO!!!

I personally feel that people spend too much time worrying about what they look like and not enough time on how they come off. I've been with women of all shapes and sizes. I, myself, have been all shapes and sizes...

But I have to say this. I am sexy, because I believe I am. What I feel about myself illuminates every room I walk into. There is no doubt, when I am on stage, that I AM a star...that people can't help but look. Say what you will (perhaps you find me arrogant)...but what YOU believe about yourself, others will too!


PS. Ladies, send me your addresses and we'll start the campaign here at Pixies...the "Fuck your facist beauty standar" campaign! What do you think???

PSS. That's me on the left, in the silver pants! :)

03-07-2002, 01:48 PM
Initial appearance is what attracts someone;but many people that
I have known;have been extremely dissappointed;when they found that the person that looked good had a horrible personality! Irish

03-07-2002, 02:27 PM
Well this isn't exactly a quote, but I came across this illustration today and thought immediately of this thread... The original source is Z Magazine, perhaps the best left-wing alternative media hub in existence. Lots of fascinating and compelling ideas expressed there... And a darned fine editorial cartoon section! There's also a whole file of quotes there, some of which may apply here --- though most of the sex/gender quotes are more generally about feminism and not specifically about body size or image. The site's at http://www.zmag.org/ZNET.htm if anyone's interested...

Just for the sake of it, here's a couple of sample quotes from the archive... They aren't really retorts, which I think is what you were originally looking for, Fallen_Angel, but hopefully you'll find them encouraging...

Lois Wyse: "Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths."

Susan B. Anthony: "The true republic: men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less."

--- sweetstuff

p.s. Ophelia --- I'm all for joining that particular campaign of yours! What can I do? When do we start? Sign me up!!!

03-07-2002, 07:41 PM
Loved the cartoon SFC (btw I am a diabetic too)

and whilst the pic was fuzzy Ophelia, you look a bloody good sort to me (Translation from Australian = you look like a sexy woman to me)

I am not physically attracted to obesity but skinny woman like calista flockheart are not my cup of tea either. you are what you are and its the person you are that what matters

03-08-2002, 10:21 AM
Thanks grumble...:)

SFC...there is a good website to start with...I sponsor them through donations from my album sales...in return, they list me as one of their sponsors on their print media...


Any woman who believes that society (particularly North American society) is setting un-obtainable standards for women...check this site! For you blokes who want to know why ads look like they do...or if you want some good sarcastic laughs!


*hands soap box back to Irish* "thanks pal"

03-08-2002, 11:15 AM
cool site ophelia......kicks the supermodel image in the ass!!!!!!thank god for bbw!!!!!

03-08-2002, 11:52 AM
Ophelia---Altho the proper request form was not filled out;being
as you are a pixies member; in good standing;I will let it slide this
time!Feel free to use it anytime that I am not.
Seriously---I have been a diabetic for some years.I had read that
many people had it.Also;that alot of people had it and didn't know
that they did.I was truly amazed by the # of people; that are pixies members;that have said in different threads that they are
also diabetics.I have constantly been suprised by the # of people;
in different walks of life;that are afflicted with it.Somehow;after having something for so long;you just don't think of;how many;
other people have it. Irish
P.S.All this time I thought that the only thing unique to me was
masturbation.They always said in'AA'that you're not unique in most things.(A few years ago;I was mandated by the State;that in order to get my operators license back;that I had to attend so
many AA meeting a week and get alcohol counceling!)

Prophet Reality
03-09-2002, 08:43 AM
Personally I think society has just moved into the "I don't care about other people's feelings stage", therefore if you don't fit in you don't belong. Well, considering that over half of our society does not fit into the ideal image you would think it would be different. But unfortunately it is not.

But yhe problem is this:
The people that are seen by everyone is generally not overweight, rich as hell, and have more problems than they admit too. But they are the ones that set the standards for society. The wealthy, rich, "powerful" people that looks down on the rest of us, and think that their shit don't stink, and that their pants are made special so they go on differentally then everyone elses.

And if this makes no sense, sorry, tend to ramble when I go with less than 4 hours of sleep and too much work.

03-18-2007, 02:22 PM
Does anybody know a site that has some great BBW quotes? I'm so tired of idiotic immature men who say bigger size women don't know how to please a man. I tend to think we're better at it :) Sorry to sound so harsh, but I just had a fight with a few of those men who think bigger is nasty. Society is cruel.

You definitely know how to please a man... :bj:

03-19-2007, 04:04 AM
Have you tired 'Fuck off, loser'

Or failing that, the thing that works for anyone being bullied:

'Strange how you're giving all this time and attention to someone you despise so much.'


'Say what you like to me - at least while you're picking on me, you're not bothering anyone else, who might actually care what you think'

03-20-2007, 04:12 PM
I found a really good bbw site. One that gives full figured people a place to show off their beautiful bodies in a moderated and appreciative venue.

PM me if you'd like the address.