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jseal 07-02-2016 08:12 AM

The end of the age of European empires did, indeed, change the world.

gekkogecko 07-02-2016 02:37 PM

2 July 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
Allied forces at the Somme have managed to push in 6 miles in some areas (mainly in the southern, French, sector) and claim to have captured 10,000 Germans. British capture Fricourt; relinquish captured trenches at Gommecourt. French take Curlu, Frise, Bois de Mereaucourt and Herbecourt.
A dump of empty 18-pounder shell cases, expended during the British bombardment at the Somme: http://imgur.com/EHNTtnt* © IWM (Q 111)

Eastern Front
Battle of Baranovichi
begins (see July 9th): Russians take offensive at Smorgon and Baranovichi, and penetrate German lines.
Germans continue advance on Lutsk salient. South of Dniester they regain Tlumacz.

Southern Front
Skirmishes near Salonika; artillery duels on lower bank of Vardar.
Heavy artillery fire and sharp infantry attacks in Trentino and Carso.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Turks consolidate Kermanshah; Russians driven east on road to Hamadan.

Political, etc.
Former German Chancellor von Buelow warns that the Allies will be “unforgiving” towards Germany after the war.
It is estimated that around 500,000 Jewish men are currently fighting on both sides of the war.

gekkogecko 07-03-2016 08:02 AM

3 July 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
French capture Chapitre Wood, Feuilleres, Buscourt, Flaucourt; also Assevillers to the South. British capture Ovillers-La Boisselle, 9th Scottish Division captures Bernafay Wood (east of Montauban). Falkenhayn visits Fritz von Below at St Quentin, replaces his Chief-of-Staff for allowing withdrawal south of Somme; Below obediently orders counter-attacks ‘I forbid the voluntary evacuation of trenches’.
“Y” Wood & German trenches at the Somme. Snow-like appearance on ground is due to bombardment: http://imgur.com/HbxSZ6T ©IWM (Q49323)
Battle of Verdun: Germans take and lose Damloup work, their attacks on Avocourt and Hill 304 fail on July 5.
North of Ancre actions indecisive.
12,300 prisoners to date.
30 Anglo-German air combats. Royal Flying Corps (7 aircraft missing) bomb Cambrai, and Comines stations, shoot down 3 German aircraft. Haig and Rawlinson thank RFC for its work.

Eastern Front
Battle of Baranovichi continues south of Vilna.

Southern Front
Italian Second Army reformed (HQ Cividale) for Isonzo offensive.
French air raid on Sofia from Salonika.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Russians again resume offensive in Armenia, west of Erzerum.

Naval and Overseas Operations:
North Sea:
Two lines of U-boats patrol Heligoland Bight in support of the High Seas Fleet (until August 4).
Russian sea-attack on German lines near Riga.
British advance in East Africa, in region between Lake Tanganyika and Victoria Nyanza.

Political, etc.
Alfred Kleiner, a Swiss physicist & Albert Einstein’s doctoral advisor at the University of Zurich, passed away.
Russo-Japanese Far East mutual consultation treaty, Russia cedes 60 miles of Chinese Eastern Railway.
Easter Rising: Irish Rebellion Commission Report published makes Chief Secretary ‘primarily responsible’.
Stock Exchange minimum prices finally removed, first wartime free market.
Germany: Settlement Law for military pensions farm purchase, esp. in Baltic area.

gekkogecko 07-03-2016 09:41 AM

Addendum to the Battle of Verdun: Falkenhayn issues (Possibly yesterday, the records are unclear) ‘The unequivocal order for the complete cessation of the attack’, begins to transfer 60 heavy guns to the Somme, 2 divisions from Verdun plus a division from every other army on Western Front.

gekkogecko 07-04-2016 09:46 AM

4 July 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
A thunderstorm causes a cold wet day. Low clouds inhibit both flying and ground operations (until July 6). British attack La Boisselle (until July 6), take Bernafay Wood, east of Montauban; manage to make air attacks on Comines, Combles, St. Quentin, despite the weather. Gough’s Reserve Army in command of 8 divisions on British left flank, La Boisselle-Hebuterne (8 miles). French capture Estrees, Belloy-en-Santerre, and Sormont Farm: advance from Curlu towards Hem, south of the Somme River (US war poet Alan Seeger (uncle of folk singer Pete Seeger) is killed at Belloy-en-Santerre, aged 28, with Foreign Legion: http://imgur.com/VJGxpQ5), now have 4,000 PoWs and 6 miles of German second line.
Battle of Verdun: Germans regain Thiaumont for the fourth time.

Eastern Front
Battle of Baronovichi
(until July 14): Ragoza’s Fourth Army (1,000 guns, 21 infantry and 5 cavalry divisions) takes Austrian front line after shelling since July 2.
Brusilov Offensive, Pripet: second Great Russian advance: Lesch’s Third Army crosses river Styr at Kolki and Rafalovka, drives Linsingen west to river Stokhod. Further south they cut Carpathian railway at Mikolichin.

Southern Front
Italian advance continues (until July 7).

Naval and Overseas Operations:
East Africa:
NRFF resumes advance through 6,000-ft Ukinga Mountains.
North Sea: Admiral Scheer’s report on the Battle of the Skagerrak (known in English as the Battle of Jutland to Kaiser stresses ‘A victorious end … can only be achieved by using the U-boats against British trade’. Beatty’s Battlecruiser Fleet Gunnery committee reports on Jutland.
Black Sea: Goeben and Breslau shell Tuapse and Lazarevskoye, sinking steamer Kniaz Obolensky.
Eastern Mediterranean: Colonel Kress requests U-boat support for imminent Turk Suez Canal offensive, but only one sent, too late.

Political, etc.
Prime Minister Bratianu puts three intervention conditions to French Ambassador. These terms include Salonika offensive against Bulgars.
Mexico: Conciliatory Carranza answer to US June notes; joint commis*sion proposed July 12, US accepts July 28.
Germany: Colonial and Interior Ministers visit Hindenburg’s HQ until July 6. Mueller diary: Kaiser ‘suffers so from loneliness’.
Prince Wilhelm, grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm, is made lieutenant in the 1st Guards Regiment at the age of 10.
United Kingdom: Ignatius Tribitch Lincoln, ex-M.P., sentenced to three years penal servitude for forgery.
United States: U.S. Census Bureau announces that there are 21 million able-bodied men of military age in the United States.
New York City closes down all motion picture theaters in the city to children under age 16 in order to combat the polio epidemic.

dicksbro 07-05-2016 03:05 AM

Really interesting stuff! Thanks for all the work you're going to remind us of this major part of 20th Century history. :thumbs;

gekkogecko 07-05-2016 10:29 AM

5 July 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
British storm Horseshoe Trench, improve their position between Somme and Ancre; advance slightly in some sectors.
Germans massing in Mametz Wood, and recapture Estrees south of Somme.
French capture the village of Hem; north of Somme they repel counter-attacks at Belloy-en-Santerre. French Foreign Legion (869 casualties) relieved after sending back 730 PoWs and 4 MGs and repulsing 2 night counter-attacks.
A German shell exploding near a British camp near Albert: http://imgur.com/T6oRXSo* © IWM (Q 778).
Battle of Verdun: German attacks at Verdun on Avocourt and Hill 304 “fail.”

Eastern Front
Battle of Baronovichi
(until July 14): On the Riga and Baranovichi sectors, fighting continues.
Brusilov Offensive: In Galicia, Russians continue their attacks south of Dniester. Russian Army cuts the Delatyn-Korosmezo railway, which supplies the Austro-Hungarian Army defending Galicia.

Southern Front
Risings and guerrilla warfare in Serbia and Montenegro, owing to weakening of Austrian garrisons; continue for duration of war.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Ottoman troops drive out the Russians from the Persian town of Kermanshah after two days of fighting.

Naval and Overseas Operations:
Eastern Mediterranean:
U-39 sails, lands Lieutenant Todenwarth and 7 men with munitions for Senussi, North Africa (fetched back October 13).
North Sea: U-boat campaign against fishing vessels begins (36 sunk).

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
King George V decides to confer peerage on Sir Edward Grey, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
Mexican government agrees to negotiate with the U.S. in order to defuse tensions, and U.S. decides not to further reinforce the border.
Germany remains confident in their defense of the Somme, with Major Moraht accurately stating that Allied advances are “very scant.”

gekkogecko 07-06-2016 06:52 AM

6 July 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
Allied advance stalls as they consolidate gains and face German counterattacks. Britain makes slight gains at Thiepval.
Battle of Verdun: Artillery active.
UK troops stage two successful raids on Loos salient.

Eastern Front
Brusilov offensive:
Disorderly German retreat in Chartorysk salient between river Styr and river Stokhod; 30,000 PoWs and 30 guns lost since July 4. Russian troops force Austro-Hungarian units to retreat five miles to Kolomea and claim the capture of 13,000 more prisoners.

Southern Front
Italian pressure on the Trentino and Isonzo fronts continued.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Arab Revolt:
Sherif gets £125,000 per month by 27 for duration of war. Murray to prepare to occupy El Arish and Aqaba. GIGS cables him suggesting helping Arabs sabotage Hejaz Railway.
Russian troops in Iraq have retreated more than 80 miles from the Tigris due to Ottoman attacks and the intense desert heat.

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
Hospital ships land 10,112 Somme wounded at South¬ampton and Dover. MI5 circular warns Chief Constables that Germans seeking to recruit circus and stage performers as spies.
Ministerial changes: Mr. Lloyd George becomes Secretary of State for War. Lord Derby, Under Secretary for War. Sir Edward Grey raised to Peerage as Viscount Grey of Falldon.

gekkogecko 07-07-2016 06:35 AM

7 July 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
British 38th Division (nearly 4,000 casualties until July 12) repulsed at Mametz Wood; they capture a part of the Leipzig Redoubt (and night July 8-9), Contalmaison (lost in evening). 2 division commanders replaced for failure on July 9. Fighting at Ovillers and east of La Boiselle. Contalmaison won but not held.
British fighter pilot, Captain Albert Ball is awarded the Military Cross.

Eastern Front

Hindenburg cables Falkenhayn urging one Eastern Front command.
Brusilov offensive: Russians reach Manevichi station on Kovel-Sarni railway in northern Lutsk salient.
Austrian generals sabre back fleeing German troops in front of Russian general Lechitskl.

Southern Front
Italians advance between Brenta and Adige; they carry two enemy positions north of Asiago.
Italian counter-offensive then ends (see June 16th).

Naval and Overseas Operations:
British submarine HMS E26 is reported lost with all 30 hands in the North Sea. Cause of sinking is unknown. (May have been reported for yesterday.)
Tanga (German East Africa) occupied by Royal Navy and 500 Indian infantrymen (landed on July 5) (see November 5th, 1914).
Minelayer sub UC-7 depth-charged off Lowestoft by HM motor boat Salmon. Royal Navy strengthens cruiser patrol north of Shetlands. Minelayer U-77 sunk by Royal Navy escorts.

gekkogecko 07-08-2016 06:23 AM

8 July 1916
Western Front
Heavy rain continues to hamper operations. Despite this, c. 7 RNAS aircraft and a balloon direct Anglo-French heavy gun shelling of Tirpitz Battery at Ostend (until July 9); photo-reconnaissance plane hit by anti-aircraft fire at 13,000 ft (better photos taken from 14,000 ft on July 29).
Battle of the Somme: British 30th Division penetrates southern part of Trones Wood; hand to hand fighting in Ovillers. German shelling and counter-attack compels withdrawal.
French take Hardecourt. French Foreign Legion has 433 casualties failing to storm ‘Chancellor’s Trench’ (until July 9), (not captured till August 1).
British soldiers wounded at the Somme leaving Charing Cross Station: http://imgur.com/S3ZdUSz © IWM (Q 56277)
Battle of Verdun: Violent artillery duel, but there is little infantry action.

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive, Pripet:
Russians break through north of Lutsk and cross Upper Stokhod at Ugli and Arsenovich, having advanced 25 miles in four days on a 40-mile front. Kaiedin’s cavalry blocked 25 miles from Kovel. South of Dniester they capture Delatyn and threaten right flank of Bothmer's army.
Carpathians: Lechitski captures Delatyn rail junction, under 32 miles from Hungarian border.
Due to the Russian offensive, German and Austro-Hungarian troops are forced to abandon the Styr River & retreat to the Stochod River.

Political, etc.
The polio epidemic that started in New York City has now spread to the Midwest and Canada.

gekkogecko 07-09-2016 11:04 AM

9 July 1916
Western Front
Better weather enables 24 Anglo-German air combats (RFC lose 3 aircraft, Germans 2); RFC makes 7 bombing raids including Cambrai and Bapaume stations.
Battle of the Somme: English make slight progress at Ovillers; fighting continues in Trones Wood until July 14.
French advance along Bray-Peronne road, taking Biaches and Hill 97 with La Maisonette Farm (July 10); repulse counter-attacks there (July 15 and 17), reach outskirts of Barleux.
Two German aeroplane raids on south-east coast of England, no damage.
French air squadrons bomb Ham and Bolancourt.

Eastern Front
There is a claim that the Battle of Baronovichi ends today, but there is conflicting information that it continued until 14 July, 1916.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Turks threaten attack on Tigris.
Up to 16,000 Turks (3rd Division under Kress) with German technical units march mainly at night from Sheilah, northwest of Beersheba, in direction of Suez Canal.

Naval and Overseas Operations:
Austrian cruiser Novara (Horthy) sinks 2 RN Otranto barrage drifters; damages 2 more and takes 9 British PoWs, line later moved south (37 drifters in 5 groups on July 13; but 75 really needed).
Battlecruiser Goeben only slightly damaged by 3 RNAS bombs dropped on Stenia Creek by Handley-Page bomber flown from Hendon, north of London (May 22) via France, Italy, Salonika and Mudros (June 8).
German cargo submarine Deutschland breaks the British blockade and arrives in Norfolk (Virginia) from Bremen; proceeds with mails and cargo to Baltimore (Maryland): http://imgur.com/RBSmZ55
Russian hospital ship "Yperyod" torpedoed in Black Sea.

Political, etc.
Socialist members of the Berlin City Council attacks the German government’s claim that there is no hunger in the city.
Official German casualties now number 3,012,637 men, with 757,327 of them killed in action.
United Kingdom: Winston Churchill: “No democratic country like Great Britain, the United States or France…can plan and prepare an aggressive war.”
Edwin Samuel Montagu is appointed the new Secretary of Munitions to succeed Lloyd George.
London clergymen, including the Dean of Westminster, urge people to abstain from drinking in order to “save” Britain.
Belgian government accuses Germany of forcing Belgian citizens into the German Army.
Argentina celebrates the centennial of its Declaration of Independence today.

gekkogecko 07-10-2016 08:24 AM

10 July 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
Very hot weather, no wind. British 38th Division attacks Mametz Wood; most of wood secured until July 11 and finally occupied at noon of July 12 (c.2,400 Germans evacuated it on night July 11-12) by British 62nd Bdrigade of 21st Division. Green Howards of 23rd Division capture remains of Contalmaison village and taking 188 PoWs. Germans regain footing in Trones Wood.
British gain ground east of Ovillers.
French advance further towards Peronne; take Hill 97 (south-east of Biaches) with La Maisonette Farm.
British Intelligence now claims German casualties at 40,187 excluding lightly wounded.

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive:
Russians claim 300,000 PoWs since June 4.
Pripet: Germans stiffen resistance (reinforced July 11) on Stokhod West bank.
Austrians concentrate troops for big offensive on south side of Lutsk salient.

Southern Front
Alpini battalion fails to take Corno di Vallarsa, 2 Expatriate Austrian Trentino volunteers with it captured, court-martialled and shot by Austrians at Trent.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Armenia: Russians retake Mamahatun.

Naval and Overseas Operations:
Italian destroyer Impetuoso torpedoed and sunk by Austrian submarine U-17 in Lower Adriatic.
North Sea: British freighter*Calypso*torpedoed.
The crew of the German cargo submarine Deutschland, which traveled from Germany to Baltimore: http://imgur.com/YC3bErX

Political, etc.
Berlin opens municipal kitchens and eating houses, capable of feeding 7000 people daily, in order to combat food shortages.
United Kingdom: Premier Asquith makes an appeal to the House of Commons, urging them to accept the Irish Home Rule plan.
United States: 40 soldiers of the 9th Massachusetts Infantry get food poisoning from eating canned salmon and are sent to hospitals.

dicksbro 07-11-2016 12:22 AM

More good stuff. I love the little details like the food poisoning from canned salmon. Seems to add "life" to the story being related to us. Thanks for all the work you guys are doing on this. :)

gekkogecko 07-11-2016 06:21 AM

11 July 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
British repel counter-attacks on Contalmaison. BEF now claims 7,500 PoWs and 26 guns captured. [Interesting that the reference is still to the “British Expeditionary Force”, when in fact, that designation had long been superceded.]
Lt-Col Dowding commander of RFC 9th Wing (Later, Air marshal during the Battle of Britain, 1940) wounded by German fighters leading 17 aircraft bombing of Bois d’Havrincourt.
Battle of Verdun: 5 German divisions attack, 30 German soldiers reach outskirts of Fort Souville (all killed), but overall gains 436 yds deep by 872 yds (until July 12), south of Fleury, all lost to counter-attacks; further gains in Damloup battery and east of Firmin and Chenois Woods.

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive:
Germans receive reinforcements and heavy artillery to defend passage of the Stokhod. Russia claims to have captured 271,000 prisoners since the Brusilov Offensive’s start.

Southern Front
60,000 Austro-Hungarian troops used in the occupation of Serbia and Montenegro are transported to the eastern front to face Russia.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Russians begin a fresh offensive in Armenia.
Mesopotamia: General Maude takes over British Tigris Corps from General Gorringe. [yes, his surname rhymes with “orange”]

Naval and Overseas Operations:
HM armed trawlers Era, Nellie, Nutten, and Onward sunk by gunfire by U-46, U-49, U-52 and U-69. U-69 shells Seaham (Durham), 1 woman killed. [Another source states that it was a man who was killed].

Political, etc.
United States:
President Wilson makes a speech in front of 50,000 people at a Ford plant in Detroit, stating the Democratic Party is a friend of business.

gekkogecko 07-11-2016 06:22 AM

Remember, the salmon is what did everybody in at the dinner party in "The Meaning of Life."

No canned salmon today, but take a look at the Mesopotamian note.

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