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sugarfreecandy 02-25-2002 12:51 PM

I'm with Diva --- I don't think much of those pics. You can keep them, thanks.

Not only do most of those pictures make me really uncomfortable, they also worry me A LOT. Especially the anal ones. Thun, you said you had no medical info on the cervix, and I'm worried that you may not have any on the anus either, and without that background knowledge you could do some really serious damage if you attempted anything like what's in those pics. The thing is, mucous membrane (the kind of skin in the vagina and in the anus, as well as in your mouth, nose, and so on) is not particularly thick or strong tissue. The membrane inside the vagina is designed to stretch enough to accomodate a baby, during childbirth, so it should be possible to fit a hand inside as long as it's done patiently and with lots of lubrication. The anus is not designed to accomodate anything that size, and the tissue is not nearly as stretchy --- it can and will rupture if you try to force something that large into it, no matter how much lube you may use. If the anal membrane ruptures, then fecal matter can get into the surrounding tissue, and cause all kinds of incredibly nasty infections. Even anal sex, for all that it may feel wonderful, carries the same risk (albeit to a lesser extent) --- which is why it is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE that if the person being penetrated says it hurts, you STOP and WITHDRAW.

I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fun here, but I have a friend who works at a sex clinic and she has described the worst-case scenario patients with this kind of rupture and infection... It's terrifying. Usually I say that sex should be fun and involve lots of playing, but anal fisting is NOT SAFE, and it frightens me to see you taking it so lightly.

--- sweetstuff

p.s. As for the spoofs, I'm not interested. There are plenty of reasons why I hang out at Pixies', not at pay sites, and money is only one of them. Even if I could go there for free legally, they just aren't my cup of tea. Thanks, but no thanks, Thun.

Nubian 02-25-2002 03:16 PM

I've always believed in the maxim "to each his own" but I've got to agree with Diva and SFC here. Those pictures are for the most part not erotic and downright insulting. What the F*** is up with the pic with the cactus. Some of these pics are in poor taste dude!

MilkToast 02-25-2002 05:07 PM

Please count me in with the folks that found that series of pictures rather offensive. I am pretty open to look at most pics, as long as they seem to fit within the lines that the pixies community seems to go by... from what I can tell those are way out of line! For one, this group (as best I can tell) prides itself in the amateur aspect of the pictures that get posted here. Those pictures by no means seem to fit that bill! It seems not too far back that this group (myself included) took a "stand" against some pics that were posted that did not fit, and those were a lot more acceptable and tasteful than these!

Please, keep those type of pics to yourself.

OK, I'll get off the soapbox now... I think it can't support the weight.

tait 02-25-2002 06:24 PM

Each to their own...
I agree with everyone above, each to their own, but they are bad taste.....
Not only that but physically harmful on a short and long term basis. I've fallen off my soapbox! :whiteghos

thun 02-26-2002 04:27 AM

oddly enoug, the 'cactus' pic was supposed to be funny....
it is obviously a fake cactus. and the pic was from a collection of FUNNY pics.

err.... anal fisting IS safe when done safely. i did't say I could do it or have done it, i was just trying to show that there's a lot you can put in there.

Oh.... that does NOT hurt, either...

BTW: fisting RARERLY does any real damage, usually improvised hard bulky toys do. i don't think rude was the word for the pics, rather bizzare or extreme.

[[really free-for-all educational type site, don't worry]]

and you'll see where i've got my information from. They might not be the best doctors in the world but have been doing this for quite awhile.....

have had no intention to offend any of you,,,,, sorry if that happened.

PlayfulTigress 02-26-2002 05:40 AM

Originally posted by thun

have had no intention to offend any of you,,,,, sorry if that happened.

Don't worry about it too much. I knew the cactus pic was fake. I've seen it many times in different areas. It's gotten around. And, remember EVERYONE is protected under the 1st Amendment. Even you and this thread... If someone is offended by this thread, then they have the right to NOT come check it out. I mean, come on... This is an ADULT site, people. Should we not only be adult in age but in mind and maturity as well?


Lovediva 02-26-2002 06:25 AM

This is an ADULT site, people. Should we not only be adult in age but in mind and maturity as well?

Yes this is an adult site. And yes...most of us are mature. But we as adults, also have the right to speak our minds.

Thun you DID NOT offend me. The PICS DID. There are a million places I can see pics like that. I just think Pixies is not the place for them.
That's all. And I for one will not view them.

legend 02-26-2002 06:40 AM

well i'm a forgiving person and i tend to let things slide, so i won't be jumping on your back....but this isn't generally the place for hard stuff like that

ok, the soapbox is getting rather worn out now, so i'll return it to it's respectful owner....and go and seek pennance for borrowing it without asking :(

Nubian 02-26-2002 06:59 AM

Thun, I hope you are not feeling attacked. As Diva said, our response is directed at the pics and not at you personally. I'm sure that there are others who find your pics in good taste, it appears that those who don't are just more vocal about it. As many have stated here, those pics are to be found all over the web but not here at pixies.

Finally, humor is a strange thing and what people finds "funny" varies according to individual taste. While the cactus pic is obviously fake, it still connotes a message and a point of view that I'm uncomfortable with. As PT says, you've excercised your 1st amendment right to express yourself by your posts. We have also excercised that right...to let you know how we feel about it. I hope the response here does not prevent you from continuing to post and contribute to Pixies.

Aqua 02-26-2002 03:27 PM

My $.02...
I see Pixies as a place to enjoy viewing pics of other members... amateurs that are posting themselves or their playmates...:D
The cactus pic might have fit in with the funny picture thread but the rest were just pics from elsewhere. I also AM NOT offended by you Thun, and I'm actually not really that offended by those pics either, I just don't feel this is the place for them as others before me have voiced. I hope you continue to visit Pixies and contribute to the threads... :)

Lilith 02-26-2002 03:30 PM

Let's talk about sex or ice cream.............:)

Orca08 02-26-2002 05:15 PM

Let's talk about eating your pussy and ice cream

PlayfulTigress 02-26-2002 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Lilith
Let's talk about sex or ice cream.............:)


Originally posted by Orca08
Let's talk about eating your pussy and ice cream..........

If this thread is going to be salvaged as a discussion thread, maybe it should go back to the original purpos and topic of discussion: fisting? Just an idea...


Fallen_Angel 02-26-2002 06:23 PM

Oh god I can't even think of ice cream or any other food after seeing those pics. I just lost my appetite.

Prophet Reality 02-27-2002 08:50 PM

Intersting pics, but the wrong place for them. Now back to the subject, who does enjoy fisting? I know that Sharnie had posted some pics a while back, how about anyone else?

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