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nutworld 01-14-2002 01:50 AM

[QUOTE} would bring on "George" (as she calls it), [QUOTE]

And I thougt I was the only one that knew "George". Of course its not the name that my wife has for it, I don't believe it has a name with her, but at least 2 other ex-g/f's of mine used that particular name.

makes me glad my parents didn't come up with that as my given name. I wonder if its because my Mom used that nickname too??
ewwww...DONT GO THERE ...........arrrghhh!!!!! It MUST be late.

Ophelia 01-14-2002 01:08 PM

Menstrual Trivia
Fact: Women tend to be randier/hornier during menstuation due to hormone overload. I'd be interested in knowing if women on birth control pills/shots are affected differently due to regulation by medication.

Fact: Female orgasms release pain killing endorphines. Orgasm during "George's visit" can reduce lower back pain and cramps!

Opinion: many women feel uncomfortable during thier cycle due to water retention, cramps, and lower back pain. This may cause what appears to be a dis-interest in sex. Also, many women feel "unclean" or were brought up believing it's taboo and dirty to have sexual relations during menstruation.

I find it incredibly satisfying!


lizzie 01-18-2002 06:34 AM

i'v done it with my rags
me and my boy had sexwhile i had my period. it was about a month after we started going out. we were both so horny that we decided to try it. it was really messy and afterwards he told me that he kinda found it really discusting. i fely bad coz i kept pushing :(
and then another time i thought it was finnishe but it was still there kinda and afterwards when he pulled out and saw all the blood on my legs and butt he kinda just starred. i went to the toliet to clean my self up and silently cried. i felt guilty that i put him through that again. and i know how much he hates it.
but its all col now coz hes getting use to it :) its really not bad just kinda messy. so if ur gona try it put something under you:)

souls_cry2000 01-19-2002 11:45 PM

sex can be great any time of month...
there is nothing wrong with doing things during a lady's time of month. it can be messy but not always. i personally have problems when a women is menstrating. i am blessed with a very healthy sense of smell. let me say now that i don't mean to say something smells bad. what i am say is that pheromones are really strong during this time. my sex drive increases due to the increase in pheromone production in my lady. the sex is great and going down on her is good too. that part of a woman is self cleaning as one lady has told me before.

kiwi15 03-13-2002 09:35 AM

In absolute honesty, of the 20 or so female lovers I have had in my 54 years, none of them has expressed even the slightest objection to having menstrual sex. Some have been over-the-moon when they've done it with me for the first time, perhaps because they've felt that it's taboo or because they're unattractive during their period. I've been told both, but usually after the relief of having had sex for the first time during their period.

It surprises me that so many feel that menstrual sex is messy. Surely it's no more messy than any other type of sex? Sure, there's a different fluid involved and pads or tampons might have to be disposed of, but that's all part of the wonderful experience, isn't it? Of course, hygeine is important. There's always a risk of blood-borne disease. But for most, especially those who have known their partner for a long time, that risk is usually low. Condoms are a good idea if there's any doubt. Ingesting blood isn't a good idea: bathing after with an antiseptic soap is!

For women who suffer from PMT/PMS, raw sex, especially, can accelerate the onset of bleeding. To bring that bleed on during sex is probably the most satisfying and rewarding experience this man can have. The release and sheer love in all my lovers' eyes has been just incredible. And to prove to them that they're desirable during their period, when they are usually highly sexed, is something that I have always found my lovers appreciate.

Aggressive sex, in particular, helps to relieve the low-back pain, cramps and headaches that women often experience during their period. It's therapeutic. Tender love-making is also wonderful for both partners during that time. Those who haven't tried it, might just me missing an absolute treat.

Hard Jake 03-13-2002 09:47 AM

Sex when she's "riding the cotton pony"
It helps releive cramps, she also may be more horny from hormones. Listen to what the lady says though, dont try and force an issue. It may get messy (yes it is more of a clean up, and it stains) but who cares.
Just an opinion, but going down on a woman who has "fallen to the communists" without a tampon is kind of gross and unnecessary. Cant you just wait a couple of days? Does blood and mucus etc turn you on? If so, and your lady friend is down with it, well go ahead.
"You down with OBG? Yeah you know me!"

Grumble 03-13-2002 09:35 PM

never been a soldier
I have never got blood on my sword LOL

I couldn't imagine going down on a woman during her period but I am game to get blood on the blade. I have been married to a sexually unresponsive woman for 15 years and we have just broken up. Maybe I will be able to find a more responsive person now

blk cat 03-13-2002 09:49 PM

Just remember,

A Bloody Nose Never Stopped A Good Fighter

kimmer22 03-14-2002 12:37 AM

Someone may have already said what I am gonna post....but here goes.
For me, I am soooo horny when on my period, but I have had sex during...It tends to hurt, like it puts pressure up there and, I'm already bloated enough.
It does feel good and hurt at the same time...and is VERY messy...
If you can deal with the uncomfortable feeling....do it.
But as for me...I just wait it out for 5 days and get it on the instant I stop bleeding...if I can :)

RascalnRed 04-01-2002 01:37 PM

My wife finds that sex relieves her cramps and lightens the period. She says it helps and I am glad to offer my assistance. And as far as being messy, several people have the same idea as we do. Just keep a wet washcloth and a towel handy. She lays on the towel during sex and I clean her up afterwards with the washcloth. No big deal, just a relief for her and she will be all done in no time flat.

Tuton 04-01-2002 06:19 PM

This kind of sex can be very pleasureable if both are willing.
Just use a towel under urselves. I would not go down on my partner though cause 1st she doesn't want me to and the
idea that I might ingest (u never know) some of the discharge which her body is rejecting might not be the most healthy thing to do. Make sure he's aware of that fact before he dives into it.
I usually finger my lady while I suck on her titties or while
she sucks on my little buddy and when both are good an ready we proceed with the drilling for rubies, ( u know red) lol,,,

Anyway whats a little blood between friend or Lovers...lol

sweetc0rn 04-01-2002 11:10 PM

I guess I am rather slow at this but anyway I have had sex with my BF when I was having my period once. It is really messy and I don't really like it. So if he is horny and I am having my period, I will give him blow job instead. Maybe if u really want to try it, try having sex in the bathroom so you can just shower and have sex at the moment. :)

ASH 04-01-2002 11:50 PM

If both people are up for it, then go right on ahead. what i have discovered is that the younger the boy, the more hesitant they are to "part the red sea". and, personally, i would do it, but it is not something that particularly turns me on. it just also doesn't turn me off. And, i don't remember who mentioned this before, but if your periods are irregular and you are a little over due, then sex definately helps bring it on. worked for me several times.

Tango Seven 04-13-2002 07:33 PM

My partner doesn't like having intercourse when having her period so if we feel horny she is content to masturbate me to orgasm.

Steph 04-25-2002 08:45 PM

Wow, this is certainly an informative forum! After a few dates (when I know it's getting closer to a romp) I ask if the boy would sleep with a woman who's on her period. To me, it shows they're open and understand a woman's body.

Like many others, I just use a towel underneath! Why should we be deprived of fucking five days a month? :redghost:

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