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scotzoidman 03-10-2002 12:59 AM

I don't need no stupid meetings, I don't have a problem... I'm in complete control here, I... can quit after the next one... I'm allright, really...

(call me Pharroh... king of denial)

Lilith 03-10-2002 12:47 PM

Scotz~ With you being in such a deep state of denial, I feel as if it would only be right if I personally guide you through your recovery process;)......... go find Legend, he's new to PA as well, and meet me near the schnapps fountain <no water fountains in the building so we had them install those instead> this recovery process (if done right) can be long and hard ;) but I will gladly volunteer to place myself between the 2 of you until we cum up wit some sort of solution to this problem of Pixtasy.......

sugarfreecandy 03-10-2002 01:03 PM


Lilith, good to see you back at the meeting --- I was beginning to worry that I was the most seriously addicted Pixaholic here, since most of the others disappeared from the meeting for the weekend! It was just me and Mindboxer wrestling for the laptop, Legend wandering about all disoriented, and Scotz over there in the corner rocking himself back and forth and muttering 'I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay'... The meeting hall was feeling a little cavernous with everyone else gone.

The good news is that I've finally beaten Mindboxer and reclaimed my laptop --- but the bad news is that Pixaholism seems to be getting worse than ever. I'm starting to have these irrational thoughts, like 'Maybe if I post more pictures I'll get it out of my system and won't be so hooked' --- that'll work, won't it? If I just totally go on a Pixtasy blitz maybe I can wash it right through my system... Ohhh god... a Pixtasy blitz... ooooh what a thought... excuse me folks but I just can't help myself... *breaks down sobbing* I just have to post!!!

legend 03-10-2002 01:10 PM

Lilith, could you just hold on a sec while I check these last couple of posts.....

Lilith 03-10-2002 01:14 PM

legend~exsqueeeeze me! No I need it now.... after all the sooner we finish the sooner I can get back to the word association game :D

legend 03-10-2002 01:17 PM

*trips over in haste*....don't start without me :p

iikiibuu 03-10-2002 03:06 PM

*looks as though he is feeling all left out from the meeting, but this is unusual even for him to be this quiet.* Sweetstuff ive been here all along just watching biding my time :) my time with the lap top will come :)

danziggy 03-10-2002 03:30 PM

not if i get there first iikiibuu!! ready race ya for it.......go.....

sugarfreecandy 03-10-2002 03:45 PM

In your dreams, boys --- this laptop is mine, all mine, I tell you!!!

*Cradling her iBook in her arms, stroking it, and crooning to it*

It's okay, little one, they can't separate us... They can try but nobody's going to take my little blueberry baby away from me, nobody... Come, my pretty, hush now, let's Pixify a little...


sugarfreecandy 03-10-2002 03:47 PM

Iikiibuu ---

Don't mind me, just a little obsessed here... Kinda hard to notice anyone around when I can't take my eyes off the glow of my screen... I'm sure you understand, being a fellow Pixaholic and all...! :D

--- sweetstuff

danziggy 03-10-2002 03:48 PM

Not even if i give you a lick of my lollie pop????:D :D

i will just hold it for a second, honest i will give it back. he he;) ;)

sugarfreecandy 03-10-2002 03:53 PM

That's a mighty tempting offer, Danziggy --- but you saw what happened when I let Glyndwr use it, even with it handcuffed securely to me! There's no way I'm letting go of my little blueberry baby any time soon... Besides, I need my fix sooooooo bad............! :rolleyes:

danziggy 03-10-2002 04:03 PM

damn shame, must try new approach
maybe you will let your grip go if i eat some of your candy?;) ;)

mind you then i would be so busy tasting the sweet stuff i would forget to take the laptop!! oh well never mind just to get all hot and sticky would be good enough!!;) ;) :D :D

sugarfreecandy 03-10-2002 04:18 PM

Taste all you want... but I'm NEVER LETTING GO!!!

On the other hand... oooh... oh my... you're awfully good with your tongue... yes... harder... faster... OMG OMG OMG!

:o :o :o :o

OMG, I've just discovered that there is another level of Pixtacy!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting Pixified and indulging my Oral Freakishness at the same time!

This is sheer heaven......... but it's not going to help my addiction any! :D

iikiibuu 03-10-2002 05:20 PM

"sits down with the puppy dog eyes directing them straight into those os SFC, eyes begin to water. Begins to wine and paw your leg." Pllleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeee eeeeeeeee????????

you should know by the way this wolf can run really fast and we're all endurance and power :)

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