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Loulabelle 04-01-2004 06:46 AM

As many of you know I have just started in a new job, and there is one particular room in our office building with the most wonderful hard floor.

Everytime I walk in that room and hear my heels clicking along the floor, I just feel like the sexiest thing on the planet......what is it about the sound of heels on a hard floor?

Belial 04-01-2004 06:54 AM

It's about knowing that a woman is going to walk past in heels :)

Cassiopeia 04-01-2004 06:56 AM

lol! I know what you mean Lou. It makes me feel a bit more confident also. Its like, I am Woman hear me r-- err, my heels click from a mile away!

Lilith 04-01-2004 06:56 AM

Did you ever read STO's poem about this very thing???? :hot:

I just redid the floors in my house and now get that sensation every time I wear heels even at home.

Eros 04-01-2004 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Belial
It's about knowing that a woman is going to walk past in heels :)

Correction...it's about knowing that Lou, Cass, or Lil is about to walk past in NOTHING but heels....oops...did I say that out loud? Oh well...a guy can dream can't he? :D

jseal 04-01-2004 09:14 AM


Yes mam, it is to me very much a "the lady has entered the room" sound. Quite distinctive.

Gilly 04-01-2004 11:55 AM

I find when I'm wearing heels of anysort, and I come across hard floors, I make my strides a bit longer, and bring my heels down harder to make that sound. I love it. Not sure why, but I love the sound. It's very sexy. ;)

Mercury_Maniac 04-01-2004 04:38 PM

i like the sound of boots thumping on floors when i walk

Mercury_Maniac 04-01-2004 04:39 PM

my boots i mean

WildIrish 04-01-2004 05:21 PM

I think we all get a charge out of hearing strong, purposeful strides like that. When I'm crossing the marble floors, I notice that I feel more powerful. Even if it's only to get twizzlers from the vending machine! ha ha

dicksbro 04-01-2004 07:13 PM

Used to be a lot of guys had steel plates put on the heels of their shoes ... in part to reduce wear ... but I think a lot of time it was to get the click, click, click sound. Don't see that much anymore, but then, maybe it doesn't work so well on tennis shoes. :D :D

BlondeCurlGirl 04-01-2004 08:51 PM

When I hear my heels clicking down the hallways, it gives me a sense of power, confidence, and sexiness. But it sure is a neat feeling!

I've got a lot of residents who can recognize when I'm coming based on my heels going down the halls...and I get told that they are disappointed when I've gotta walk by their room w/o stopping.

Lilith 04-01-2004 11:48 PM

Originally posted by WildIrish
I think we all get a charge out of hearing strong, purposeful strides like that. When I'm crossing the marble floors, I notice that I feel more powerful. Even if it's only to get twizzlers from the vending machine! ha ha

^perk^ marble floors? so cool they're :hot:

ScottWaz 04-02-2004 11:51 PM

dominance.............i understand, we have some secretaries that that happens to...i think its cool....hahaaa

LixyChick 04-03-2004 09:24 AM

I like the sound in some circumstances, and I hate it in others. If I'm coming into a meeting and I'm late and it's already in progress...Oh Gawd how I wish I had dressed down that day! In the library it's kinda weird too.

But, I know what you mean in most other situations. I might take bigger strides and hold my head a tad higher! I think my breasts might jut out and up a bit too...but they are trained to do that and so I have no control over it...lol!

StarfishBaby 04-08-2004 08:11 PM

Something about the feeling of confidence as you stride across the floor. Have you ever been with a few friends when it happens. Two of my friends and I had speant most of the morning shopping and we were leaving this store that had hard floors and out of no where the three of us hit the same stride-probably all feeling the same 'heals clicking on the floor sexy women coming through' feeling and I swear it was like slow motion as we got to doors and they just swung open as the three of us strode out still inn step with eachother. As soon as we hit the curb to wait for a car to pass we all gave eachother a look that said "did that just happen" and we just started laughing like "look out boys" lol

imaginewithme 04-08-2004 09:09 PM

I feel much sexier and more confident in some sexy heals.

dicksbro 04-09-2004 03:54 AM

Originally posted by WildIrish
... only to get twizzlers from the vending machine!

Love those things. You can always tell people with good taste! :D

click ... click ... clickity-click (Is it okay to skip?)

Bardog 04-09-2004 12:36 PM

The new thing in womens shoes this spring seems to be a flip-flop type sandel with a heel. I've noticed several of the women in our building wearing them the past couple of weeks and thought about this thread.

Oh yeah...Our building has hard tile floors

imaginewithme 04-09-2004 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Bardog
The new thing in womens shoes this spring seems to be a flip-flop type sandel with a heel. I've noticed several of the women in our building wearing them the past couple of weeks and thought about this thread.

Oh yeah...Our building has hard tile floors

I have all kinds of those and love em!

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