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PCPete 06-12-2002 09:10 AM

cyber sex.. cheating or not?
ive been pondering this for a while

does it count as cheating if you are talking sexually to people online? or is it just like masterbation.. it doesnt matter who (or what) your thinking about?!!?

Coach Knight 06-12-2002 09:22 AM

This is an excellent question. Some might think it is cheating and it might be if your doing it all hours of the day and lying to your SO about what you're doing. I have done it and felt a little guilty afterward. Some might consider online sex an enabler to a meeting in person. If you're typing with one hand and exchanging very intimate feelings with someone, especially over a long period of time, you could be inclined to agree to meet with them.

sweetc0rn 06-12-2002 10:51 AM

Oh manz... PCPete, u really got me pondering about this question... I think its a self masturbate thing... but if u keep meeting ur so-call-online-lover to 'masturbate' together and talk abt intimate things... I think it is counted as cheating and unfair to your real lover isn't it?

Sharni 06-12-2002 01:02 PM

There are already several threads covering this subject....have a bit of a search through the archives and you'll get quite a few answers to the question :)

lixnlix69 06-12-2002 06:15 PM

I am gonna try and answer this with as few words as possible.

YES! It is cheating....whether you actually touch or not.......you ARE having sex WITH another person other than your S/O. So therefore, you are "cheating".

I am not saying this is the worst form that cheating can take. As a matter of fact I am not judging or condemning at all. Cyber is probably the lesser form of all the ways a person can cheat. But according to...................

Webster's Collegiate- "Cheat".....to be sexually unfaithful.....to violate rules unfaithfully.

So, who am I to judge the knowledge of Mr. Webster himself?

Mrs. Lix

Prophet Reality 06-13-2002 02:17 AM

My toughts only on this.

I myself don't think of it as cheating. If your SO knows about it and is okay with it. If you are lying to your SO then that is a different matter. But who I am to condem amy of it.

But as far as cyber sex goes, I am with Mrs. Lix, I think that this is the lesser of evils. I would much rather find out that my SO is having cyber sex with someone, then actually out having sex with someone live.

My ex and I had this discussion and there were times when we would actually go looking for someone to have a cyber threesome with. It made us very horny and we would have some really good sex afterwards.

bucksman 06-13-2002 03:20 AM

OK I admit it - I have enjoyed cyber in the past and never considered it cheating - more an alternate to masturbation. These have all been chance meetings and I have never sought to develop them into anything more.

I would agree that if you are in a stable real-life relationship and also indulge in cyber, you are cheating on your partner. Effectively you are saying that your real-life relationship is not sufficiently fulfilling and that you crave something else or more. Sure, as said above, it is the lesser of a number of evils but it is probably an indication that you need to discuss your sexual needs openly with your current partner to see if you can get what you need within a loving relationship.

Lovediva 06-13-2002 07:37 AM

What's cyber sex??

Lilith 06-13-2002 08:04 AM

I am with Diva here...please explain what is meant by this term.... cyber sex??? I am unfamiliar with that ;)

RandyGal 06-13-2002 08:59 AM

Diva and Lilith....

are YOU asking ME???

Stop looking at me!

I have NO idea what you're talking about.

None whatsoever.



Lovediva 06-13-2002 09:35 AM

RandyGal!!!!! I wasn't looking at you...I was looking at the guy on your monitor!!!!!! ;) :D :p :D

prettyviolet 06-13-2002 11:25 AM

Okay, I'm gonna take a chance here.....I do not consider sexual chatting as cheating, and if my SO doesn't know about it, so what? What SO doesn't know, doesn't hurt SO....Right? Right. Besides, if SO were paying attention, he would know and therefore would have the opportunity to give me what I need/want....My chats are an extension of masterbation, and I don't want to get into a personal relationship as a result of them. All I want to do is have a good time, maybe exchange pictures, and have something to get wet about....no different in my mind than reading a magazine or book.


RandyGal 06-13-2002 11:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Who?? This guy??

Oh....that's just my...


Yeah, that's it. He's my doctor and yes, I keep his picture on my computer.

Yes. He does look like a movie star, doesn't he?

I LOVE my doctor!

*licking my lips!*

(the MM on his uniform stands for Magnificent Man and he is too, don't you think?)


Lilith 06-13-2002 11:40 AM

Damn him!!!!! He said I was his one and only!!!!:D:D

RandyGal 06-13-2002 11:47 AM

Well he and I met online and I must say, our real life meeting was hot hot hot!!


As you can see by the picture Lilith...he obviously has a thing for me so you can just back away quietly, ok?

I'll let you know when I'm done with him. ;)

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