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Mark Vieth 01-30-2005 03:42 PM

How to woo a virgin?
Hi all. I'm seeing this girl who is a virgin still. Now that isn't the issue. The issue is how do you get past that "block" that she has put up?

She has only ever had one b/f her entire life and so has very little experience in the matter's of sex. She hasn't even gotten herself off so as to experience an orgasm.

She has about 50 million reservations about every aspect of sex. She thinks that it is unhygenic to give oral, she thinks that it is dirty if a guy cums on her. That is just to name a couple.

So any help would be appreciated.

rockintime 01-30-2005 04:27 PM

Seems to me you aren't even at the "sex" point. If you like this girl, and I assume you do, then develop the "relationship"...if the relationship blooms, great and if sex eventually occurs, even better.

Mark Vieth 01-30-2005 04:41 PM

Well rock, her and I get along like a house on fire.

She just has a million different reasons every 2 seconds. The r/ship is solid, I am asking on how to get this "block" of her's down. I know that time heals all,but if she doesn't get over her insecurities then it may cause problems. It ain't healthy. That is why I am asking for advice on this rather touchy matter.

osuche 01-30-2005 04:44 PM

OK....This is one of th emost emotionally tone-deaf posts I've seen in a very long time. Sex will arise naturally out of a relationship, when and if it makes sense to both parties. There's no way I know to "get her over the hump." Stop pressuring the poor lass, enjoy what you do have together, and see how things work out.

I know this sounds funny from someone who spends so much time on a sex forum, but there is so much mroe to life than just sex. Relax and enjoy her for who she is.

Mark Vieth 01-30-2005 04:52 PM

osuche, thanks,I understand that. I would just like some advice on helping her over the "block". I do understand that it is different for girls when they first dive into this. Us guys can make such a mess of it because all we have to do is stick "it" in. We spend so much time worried about trying to get there that we can forget that the girl is under us or wherever she might be during sex, that we don't take into consideration on what she is feeling. I mean for all we know we could be doing the best job in the world and they're like "is that it?".

Because she is a virgin, I want it to be something that she will cherish and not think "shit that was a disaster,fuck it hurt etc".

cherrypie7788 01-30-2005 04:56 PM

Just let the relationship run its course and don't worry about it :rolleyes2 if she wants to have sex she'll let you know.

Cheyanne 01-30-2005 05:43 PM

Wasn't it about a week ago you posted a thread about another woman who wouldn't return your calls after having sex with you? "She just wasn't into you"?? And you were upset with that fact? And you said that you had another woman interested in you who was a virgin that you gave a "mercy fuck" to? Sheesh!!!!

How can you possibly have a solid relationship with this women within a week? And, this is yet, another virgin!!! Leave her alone.. if she is coming up with excuses every 2 seconds as to why she isn't interested in having sex it appears to me as if you are pestering her!!!! I would feel ashamed of myself if I were in your shoes! Allow her to make up her own mind and let it be! Do Not Pressure Her!!!!

Mark, you seem like an intelligent person...quit thinking about your dick and take into consideration other people's feelings, values, and decisions.

BIBI 01-30-2005 06:10 PM

Oh my goodness man. I so don't get it. Are you trying to figure out life in five easy questions or what?

You have gone from giving a "mercy" fuck to a virgin, to a girl who has rebuffed you after haviing sex, all the way to yet another virgin who is the complete opposite of the first virgin and who doesn't want sex.

Man oh man with all these virgins you must live in Paradise! There wouldn't happen to be 72 virgins in total would there? hmmm......

maddy 01-30-2005 06:29 PM

Aside from all the above advice, if you are truly concerned about this virgin and her "block" to wanting to have sex. Build a trusting relationship with her and try to understand {listen to her} why she has the preconceived notions and excuses to not having sex. Once you can understand what is holding her back from having sex and she has built enough trust in you and the relationship to share those things with you -- then AND only then will you be able to help her emotionally work through each of her "blocks".

Not that it really matters, but coming from a virgin {me} if she has waited this long, she isn't looking for a date and a fuck. Not all women are programmed the same and that's the beauty of being a human, there isn't a magic formula to unlock each of our legs and make us beg for your precious cock to slam into us and make us cum.

I've seen it said in several of your threads that the mind is a sexy and wonderful thing. The sooner you realize that women are more than a piece of fuck flesh the better off you will be in understanding the key that will unlock her legs. At that same time you might even find that relationships are more than sex.

maddy 01-30-2005 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by Mark Vieth
osuche, thanks,I understand that. I would just like some advice on helping her over the "block". I do understand that it is different for girls when they first dive into this. Us guys can make such a mess of it because all we have to do is stick "it" in. We spend so much time worried about trying to get there that we can forget that the girl is under us or wherever she might be during sex, that we don't take into consideration on what she is feeling. I mean for all we know we could be doing the best job in the world and they're like "is that it?".

Because she is a virgin, I want it to be something that she will cherish and not think "shit that was a disaster,fuck it hurt etc".

Um, go ask the virgin you mercy fucked last week, maybe she'll have some insight on how virgin women think.

lonelyarmywife 01-30-2005 06:37 PM

Dear Mr. Mark

You have two heads. Start using the other one.

In all seriousness, i don't mean to be a bitch, but I get the sneaking suspicion that you are just looking for a piece of ass, not a girlfirend, or even a relationship. Now I'm not privy to your private conversations with this lady, but make sure head #1 and heart are in the right place before you start worrying about head#2.

WildIrish 01-30-2005 07:05 PM

/me just shakes his head.

Mark Vieth 01-30-2005 07:07 PM

OOOOUUUUCCCCCHHHHH!!!!!!!! Phew talk about getting shot down in the line of fire. That "mercy" fuck was with a girl who just wanted to use me for sex so she would no longer be a virgin anymore.

This second virgin who I will call N I have known longer. In fact she knows what happened with the other virgin (Krystal). She was very surprised in her because she couldn't keep her hands to herself.

As I talk with N on a frequent basis, and sure I tease her sometimes (all in good fun of course) she has asked me various questions on sex. I have tried to inform her as much as I can. She is very curious and I think she would just like to fill up her data bank.

I'm just asking some simple advice. I know that a r/ship is built around/on values, respect, trust etc. I'm not stupid. I understand that she want's to take her time. I'm not pressuring her into anything.

I came in here to ask for advice on how to her get adjusted to the concept. So when it comes time for it, then she is prepared.

BIBI 01-30-2005 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by Mark Vieth
Well rock, her and I get along like a house on fire.

She just has a million different reasons every 2 seconds. The r/ship is solid, I am asking on how to get this "block" of her's down. I know that time heals all,but if she doesn't get over her insecurities then it may cause problems. It ain't healthy. That is why I am asking for advice on this rather touchy matter.

First off if she has to rebuff you every "2" seconds you are being too pushy.

How can the relationship be solid? You were just bemoaning about another girl this week too.

I don't think for a minute it is her securities that may cause problems but maybe your own. Sounds like you don't feel manly unless your boinking someone.

What persay is not healthy? Her not being ready for sex? She is a smart cookie to know that she is not ready and even smarter if she sticks to her guns and waits for when SHE is ready.

I guess you'll just have to chalk it up to "being her loss" :devilish:

BIBI 01-30-2005 07:19 PM

Well if nothing else Mark you may have learned here that women do not like to hear a woman being referred to as a mercy fuck. It is a degrading and juvenile way to describe a woman, especially a woman who gifted you her virginity.

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