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LixyChick 02-18-2004 06:27 AM

Having quite a bout with it lately. I dunno if this has been discussed here.....but I was wondering if we could discuss it again if it has!

Any home remedies?

thereIam 02-18-2004 06:28 AM

I find that masturbations works for me.

Just a thought.

Loulabelle 02-18-2004 07:13 AM

I have recently bought the most amazing alarm clock that has a button which gives you the sound of falling rain for either 10 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour depending on choice.

It has transformed the way I sleep (and has even seemed to stop Fussy's snoring - or at least it has stopped me being disturbed by it). If you can get something like that I can really recommend it - apparently any kind of white noise will help as well - if I wake in the night I use it too, but most of the time, I don't even wake in the night these days.

osuche 02-18-2004 08:11 AM

Extra long gym sessions in the afternoon always work for me...I am jelly @11 pm recently

skipthisone 02-18-2004 10:15 AM

I get it for weeks at a time, I have used some herbal stuff in the past if it goes on for longer than 5 nights, but usually I just let it run its course

Nice Guy 02-18-2004 10:28 AM

Had a very long bout with it when I was in high school. Lasted for about 3 months every night. Never did find a way to stop it.

Steph 02-18-2004 02:01 PM

Reading works but so does masturbation (that was advice from a co-worker recently).

osuche 02-18-2004 02:52 PM

Hmmm...reading while masturbating? :p

skipthisone 02-18-2004 02:52 PM

Sticky page sydrome afflicting the nation.

LixyChick 02-18-2004 08:35 PM

TY everyone!

I agree with the white noise Loulabelle. I've used a fan in winter, spring, summer and fall since I've been 12 y/o and if I don't have one I am unable to sleep. It sucks when we go camping in the wilderness! LOL! Seems that this bout of insomnia has my nerve endings sticking out of my skin (not literally....but....you know what I mean)...and any noise sends electricity through me in a rush. Hubby's snoring is freaking me out!!!! And that damn kitty door to the cellar where Rocky's cat box is.....I'm gonna break it!

Masturbation and reading are great ideas......and tried and failed....though I get a lot of reading done in this state......not to mention orgasms galore! I'm reading erotica at the moment.....lol!

I've been excercising like a nut lately osuche! Spring's coming and I tend to put on a few lbs. in the winter because it's rather dangerous to go walking on that black ice. I'd prefer to walk than do sqauts and crunches and etc. but I've started indoor stuff anyway....to no avail so far!

Haven't tried the herbal route yet skip.....but I was thinking homeopathic <sp?> in the sense of getting a hammer from the tool box and bonking myself over the head with it!!!!!!

Well........I'll give it a go again tonight. The worst part for me is the lack of concentration now....after all this time. I forgot my reading glasses this morning and had to come all the way back home from work for them....and when I got here I forgot for a moment why I came home! Arrgggggggg! The best part is....for some reason I can type so much better and faster......go figure!

I'll keep you posted all! TY again!


Lilith 02-18-2004 09:39 PM

Valerian Root...natural and fresh ground if you can find it.

Lovediva 02-18-2004 09:42 PM

A teaspoon of honey will also do the trick...I've also heard eating a banana is good to.

Sweet dreams Lixy!!

jennaflower 02-18-2004 10:35 PM

Lixy.. I think it must be something going around here... been reading that several of us are suffering from this problem... that being said there might be a few explainations.......

1) There is some virus here at Pixies that infects us as we spend endless hours reading the threads.

2) We are actually physically addicted to this wonderful place.

3) We are NOT getting enough sex!!!! (I KNOW this is my excuse).

Hoping that tonight will be better for all of us :)


fzzy 02-19-2004 02:55 AM

Warm milk or turkey both cause a "triptophan" reaction ... one of the chemicals that helps promote sleep.

But risking the spanking from Lilith again .... you gotta use the right reading material for making it impossible to stay awake ... I love reading scriptures, but if I do it laying down ....ZONK!

Lilith 02-19-2004 06:50 AM

LOL fzzy~ is that the reading/masturbation thing again? :o :D:p

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