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wanderingsoul 12-05-2005 03:09 AM

Those damn 'describe yourself' questions!
Okay, I've got my profile up on severals of the web's free personal sites such as myspace and adultfriendfinder and on every one of them, it eventually asks you to describe yourself and I HATE it!! I know that this is basically an online version of a first impression and from my results, I don't think I'm making a very good one. To be honest, the only responses I've had whatsoever has been from guys. That's a once in a kinky moon type of thing for me and I'm trying to find a steady girlfriend anyway.

Siince AFF is pretty much a sausage fest, i focus a lot more or myspace tthan anywhere else. I was hoping that those of you know think you know me well enough would help me out on this. A lot of you realize how honorable and chivalrous I am and that's not very common among my peers to say the least so I always sound a little odd I think. The thing that I'm having the most trouble with is that I have no idea of how to set myself apart from every other asshole that gives a girl the "I'm not like every other guy" line just to screw her over just like every other guy.


Here's my profile, I've had a really long and pretty hard week and I'm trying to relax tonight and concentrating on writing this is killing my buzz! :rofl: So anyway, any of you who'd be willing to check out my profile and give me any advice you might have, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks everyone,

Loulabelle 12-05-2005 03:33 AM

Erm....where to start?!

First of all....it's way too long. Most people won't read past the first few lines.

Second, it takes itself way too seriously.....there's not a single funny line in it. Women like men who can make them laugh.

Thirdly, enough of the guns, and ka-boom, and drugs already! These really aren't things you should be sharing to make a good first impression! Would you put those on your resume if you were looking for a job? I fucking well hope not!

You also need to do a better spelling and grammar check before you post....and if you can't spell it, look it up or don't use it.

You say that you're a nice guy, but then go on about how you have loads of involvement in drugs and guns and how you don't lie more than you have to. I'm sorry, but reading this as someone who DOESN'T know you well, I'd run a mile.

How about mentioning some things that you into that girls may also be interested in? Because you're coming across as a real 'man's man' who opens doors for women etc in order to get laid, but not that you particularly enjoy talking to them etc. If this is not the case (which I'm sure it isn't) you need to make your profile reflect this.

And then you go on to say that you're looking for 'anyone' and that you're just looking to get laid....way to make a girl/boy feel special.

RangerGuy20 12-05-2005 04:43 PM

so, why don't you describe yourself to me... lol

multi_minx 12-05-2005 05:02 PM

Hey handsome,

I agree with Loulabelle. I want to feel special, even if I just want to get laid. Typically though, TMI (too much information) for the first meeting.

You sound pretty excited (high) when you posted this. Good for you but I'd tell a little less. Also, I know everyone lies to some degree or another (I'm a tall red head with perfectly manicured nails and always look fabulous (lol)) but no need to mention this - yet.

I would luv for you to tell me about yourself...consider this...if you were posting to the ONE what would you tell her.

lonelyarmywife 12-06-2005 06:21 AM

just a suggestion - get someon to write it for you. A friend who will know exactly who you are and what you want (rhyhmes with kaelynn?)
I know I wrote my best friend's match.com profile and she got tons more hits after that. Not that that is a testamant to my highly developed writing skills (*puke*) just that I have a better idea of what she is around people.

Anyway, blah blah blah from me. try it and let me know how it works out.


Galatea 12-06-2005 11:55 AM

Stop being 'you trying to get laid' and just be you. The right person could be out there reading and think you're trying too hard or that you're too complicated. You aren't laying your life out there for someone to anylize to decide if they like you. You're trying to tickle someones interest to make them WANT to get to know you. Pretty much what everyone else has said. 5-7 sentances about who you are, what you do. You can leave your survey just fill it out with more 'honest' answers and less 'what might get me laid' answers because you tend to cause major contradictions when you try being chivalrous in the middle of guns and drugs. pick one venue and explore it. Potential relationships will find out in the long run the stuff you don't put in your self description. Be true to yourself while being mysterious enough to pique curiosity....and get rid of the devil eyes in your picture....*shudders*

wanderingsoul 12-06-2005 06:59 PM

any better? Guns and weed are two of the biggest things in my life, a lot of people out there won't tolerate or accept any level of involvement with one or both of those things. I don't really like people that have preset feelings and beliefs about stuff and I was just trying to let people know ahead of time. Besides, I've always admired the people who are willing to take the time to write more than just a couple sentences.

Lilith 12-06-2005 07:06 PM

Just a web design thing... Your background makes your text very difficult to read.

wanderingsoul 12-06-2005 07:53 PM

how about now?

Aqua 12-06-2005 08:00 PM

That's definitely much easier to read.

Lilith 12-06-2005 08:03 PM

Much better and have you read "Gathering Blue"? It's the next book after "The Giver". I really love those books.

wanderingsoul 12-06-2005 10:14 PM

OMG!?!?! THERE'S actually a book after the giver? THANK YOU!!!!! I'm getting that ASAP.

so it's a little better?

imaginewithme 12-06-2005 11:39 PM

Looks good. I've never really checked out myspace....lots of interesting people on there. I think you'll do great.

Lilith 12-07-2005 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by wanderingsoul
OMG!?!?! THERE'S actually a book after the giver? THANK YOU!!!!! I'm getting that ASAP.

so it's a little better?

Actually there are 3 (I haven't read the 3rd)

Here is this from her website:

"With the 2004 publication of MESSENGER, the trilogy that begins with THE GIVER is complete. Jonas and Kira are grown, and have met, at last. Of course every good book leaves one wondering, and the conclusion of the trilogy will, as well.

THE GIVER At the age of twelve, Jonas, a young boy from a seemingly utopian, futuristic world, is singled out to receive special training from The Giver, who alone holds the memories of the true joys and pain of life.

GATHERING BLUE In this speculation on the nature of the future of human society, life in Kira's community is nasty, brutish, and, for the ill or disabled, short.

MESSENGER In this novel that unites characters from "The Giver" and "Gathering Blue," Matty, a young member of a utopian community that values honesty, conceals an emerging healing power that he cannot explain or understand. "

wanderingsoul 12-07-2005 12:30 PM

thanx lil, i'll be sure to hope for them on xmas

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