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LixyChick 01-29-2007 12:38 PM

Sister Update
PF pointed out that I haven't updated you since my last thread on my big sis. Sorry bout that. It's been an uphill battle for my brother-in-law and there really wasn't much to report.

Since I last wrote, sis and BIL have moved into the home across the street from their old house. They sold their old house to their son. He moved in with his girlfriend and their baby boy and his 5 y/o daughter from a previous marriage. Sis and BIL were going to travel the country in their mobile (5th wheel) home but had to settle into the inherited house across the street from their son when sis got home from the hospital. They inherited the house from a longtime friend who passed away recently and had no family to leave it to.

Anyway...when last I wrote, BIL was trying to get sis into Johns Hopkins because the hospital she was in wasn't able to diagnose her. They couldn't even accept his insurance after a 2 week stay. BIL had to pay out-of-pocket for the next two week stay and then for the meds and outpatient treatment directly thereafter. He's since gotten her into Johns Hopkins and she's been diagnosed with a form of ENCEPHALITIS . What form...they can't pinpoint. Beings that she and BIL did a lot of camping, I'm figuring that she got it from a mosquito[s]. Our family does have a history of oral herpes ("cold sores"/fever blisters) and that could be another cause. We just aren't sure.

What we do know is that she might have gone too long untreated. She'd be the type of person that would tolerate a severe headache or any of the other symptons for much too long.

I think I told you in the last report that just prior to her need for hospitalization she was in a pretty bad car accident. BIL is a cop and so she called him first and she never got out of her vehicle to check on the people in the other car that she hit. When BIL got to the scene sis didn't mention the accident but just wanted to go home. And...she never mentioned it since. The car was wrecked! After that she stated forgetting things...like stuff cooking on or in the stove/oven. She'd even shower with her clothes on. Talking to her was so frustrating because she couldn't follow a conversation or her own follow up thoughts.

Now...she's in physical/medical therapy on an out patient basis at Johns Hopkins and she attends an adult daycare in which she thinks she is employed. She cannot be left alone for fear of unintentional but personal harm. At times during the day she can function pretty well. She can follow a conversation much better now but she has a hard time talking out her thoughts because they are so fast and fleeting. Her right arm/hand has a minor shake to it. She is now leaning her head slightly to the left...for what reason I do not know. I asked her if she had any body pains or aches and she seemed confused by the question so I let it drop. Later, I asked again...rephrasing the question...and she said no, that she was just tired all the time. I touched my hand to the left side of her face (so as to cradle it and smile at her) and she straightened her head out. I asked why she tilted it. She said she didn't know she was tilting it. BIL said they are working with her on that in therapy.

It's such a bittersweet sight to watch those two together these days! He's so loving and she seems like she leans on him like someone with a guide dog would. She always seems scared (is the only word I can use to describe her as I watch her). It breaks my heart to see her this way and yet BIL is such a positive influence...not only to her but to the rest of the family as well. I am very worried for/about him!

Just this past Saturday evening (27th, January) the F.O.P. of Dover, Delaware had a benefit for sis and BIL. Their out-of-pocket costs have nearly broke their bank. My baby sis and I attended (middle sis couldn't make it) along with everyone from BIL's family and a record amount of people for an F.O.P. benefit in that area. The expectation was from 300-500 people. The final tally was somewhere around 1000+. Not to mention the mailings from those who couldn't attend. A post-benefit monetary count immediately following was nearing $20,000. When all is tallied from street collections, silent auction donations, in-house and out-of house donations...they could well top $30,000. This will be such a comfort and relief for BIL. He says he's OK...but I know better and so does all of his friends and family! The money will help him breath easier and concentrate on sis and his own health and care.

The F.O.P. of Dover has never had such a successful benefit in their history! I told BIL he should consider running for office! Sis and BIL know and love more people than anyone in any political office...lol!

osuche 01-29-2007 12:44 PM


I am happy she's getting treated, but sad that it's such an uphill road to health.

The benefit was a great idea...and I am glad that you had a greta turn out. The *last* thing on your brother in law's mind should be money.

(((((Lixy and Family))))

I am sending good thoughts your way!

LixyChick 01-29-2007 12:59 PM

Thank You (((((osuche)))))! I know you guys were wondering a bit. So sorry for the lack of communication!

The prognosis is not fully known, but optimistic. Sis will never be the same ole sis again...but as therapy continues for the next year she will be retrained to cope with the barriers that her brain won't let her get past at this time. She's learing to focus her thoughts and things of that nature and she's also getting physical therapy so that her body will not deteriorate any further.

wyndhy 01-29-2007 01:32 PM

(((hugs))) for all the lixy family

IowaMan 01-29-2007 02:00 PM

((((((Hugs)))))) from over here too Lixy.

nikki1979 01-29-2007 05:10 PM

i wish i wudda known aboutthe benifit i wudda attended since im right here! i hope things get better (((HUGS)))) keep us posted and let me know if there are anymore benifits please .


Lilith 01-29-2007 05:17 PM

((hugs Lixy))

sodaklostsoul 01-29-2007 07:34 PM

((((((((((((((((Lixy & Family)))))))))))))))))

dicksbro 01-29-2007 10:11 PM

((((((((((((((((((( LIXY ))))))))))))))))))))

We've been saying lots of prayers for her, and will keep doing so. Prayers also for you and your whole family. If we can ever do anything, please let us know.

gekkogecko 01-29-2007 10:22 PM

That's just...yeah, it is.

LixyChick 01-30-2007 05:28 AM

Awwwwww...Thank you for all the hugs and love everyone!

I wish I had of mentioned it here Nikki. It would have been nice to meet you! Damn...if I could turn back time. But, well...I'll be sure to get here if/when there is a next time!

dm383 01-30-2007 06:01 AM

(((Lixy & sis)))

In a way, I think I'd feel a tiny bit better, knowing what's wrong, even if there's no fix (as yet) ~ so I hope you do too, Lixy.

As is dicksbro, I pray for all our Pixie family daily, extended members too. She, and you, are in my prayers always.


p.s. I just realised how that "extended" phrase reads...... but feck it, it's staying!! ;)


LixyChick 01-30-2007 11:07 PM


/me hugs all who didn't mention a "member"...

And TRIPLE hugs those who did!

Gotta tell ya peeps...my "in person" hugs are soooooooooooooooo much better than my virtual ones!!!!!!!!

Till then...(((((((((((((PIXIES)))))))))))))

TinTennessee 01-31-2007 06:24 PM

I am so sorry to hear of all the sadness in your life....please know that I am here if you need a shoulder. "hugs"

LixyChick 02-01-2007 05:28 AM

Ty ((((tt))))

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