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MonStar1023 01-27-2002 10:46 PM

Way To TIGHTEN A Girl Before Intercourse... ?
cI was wondering about this. I have read something like this in Men's Health before. Sometimes when I have intercourse with my girlfriend I feel thinner than normal. In other words her vagina is a bit looser if thats even possible. Like she doesnt feel as tight, so in turn, I dont feel as thick.

I was wondering if there is someway to tighten her up right before we do intercourse. I know her flexing her PC muscle throughout the day helps.. but shes kinda lazy.

I read somewhere that sliding your index finger 1/2way in her vagina and leaving it there, while you orally stimulate her breasts or neck or kiss her, her vagina will almost tighten around your finger. Then when you have intercourse shes tighter.


MonStar1023 01-28-2002 08:27 PM


Lovediva 01-28-2002 08:33 PM

Way To TIGHTEN A Girl Before Intercourse... ?

Have you tried a penis pump????? Haahaahaa :D :D

Sorry...just had to.!!!! :D

Might be your problem and not hers!! :D :D

Sorry...just had to again!! :D :

Actually...I have no idea how to help you!!
I got smaller and tighter after having kids!!

((Note to self: Must send Thank You Note to doc for stitching me up tighter!;) :D))

Mae13 01-28-2002 08:46 PM

She can start being more dilligent about her Kegel exercises...encourage her by reminding her how...damn...GOOD it feels to contract tightly around your lover! :D

Orrr...you could always bring her to orgasm before entering her...I don't know about the other gals here, but I'm always tighter after I cum...then give her another or two! She'll be yours forever, hehe!

Good luck!

Lilith 01-28-2002 10:37 PM

My hubby often remarks that he should send my OB/GYN a thank you card as well. Beings that I have always been a snug fit I had the same idea as you abut where Monstar's trouble may lie. You know what they say,"Great minds think alike!" :D ~~~~~~~~>Lilith

Oldfart 01-29-2002 11:25 AM

There are three basic solutions to this problem.

Ladies' Choice- a condom will increase the sensation of
tightness you crave.

Men's Choice- Any of the dick magnifying treatments which
may or probably will not work

Sadist's Choice- Mix lemon juice with the lubricant. Pucker
factor of Warp 7.

Advanced solution.

Stuff it, enjoy the lady for who she is, not her pelvic grip.

ROCKHARD 01-29-2002 03:51 PM

Heres what I think...
Try different positions. Sometimes when I take my wife from behind it feels like its a tighter fit. Not saying it is but it feels like it and if that fails do what OldFart said "Enjoy the lady for who she is!"

Irish 01-29-2002 06:57 PM

MonStar23---I had the same thought as Diva.You might be the problem;not her.I had my wifes Dr. take an extra stitch after my
kids were born!Seriously;I never heard of that problem.Both of
your bodies will be different each time but it shouldn't be noticeable! Irish
PS.I have been married for 36yrs. and I was always too sexaully
involved;to notice;any difference.

Ophelia 01-30-2002 12:54 PM

Have I told you today how much I love reading your replies???

"stuff it" hee heehehe

Thank you for sharing your understanding that a woman is more than her parts!


Oldfart 01-30-2002 01:03 PM

Always a pleasure.......

BamaKyttn 01-30-2002 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Oldfart
There are three basic solutions to this problem.
<bunch deleted>
Sadist's Choice- Mix lemon juice with the lubricant. Pucker
factor of Warp 7.

Advanced solution.

Stuff it, enjoy the lady for who she is, not her pelvic grip.

okay, oldfart, dear.... that solution goes with the line
I don't care how slippery it is you don't put sand in the KY Jelly!
I mean....DAMN.


Aqua 01-30-2002 03:18 PM

I don't care how slippery it is you don't put sand in the KY Jelly!

Off topic, But I read in an interview with Mojo Nixon (if you don't know Mojo Nixon than your store could use some fixin'!), where he talked about a blind date that was not working out, (the girl was being cold and unreceptive), until they were on a secluded beach and then she did a complete 180... they started making out, stripping off their clothes, and when they finally got down to screwing, she was rubbing sand on his cock to increase the friction! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! :confused: :eek: No thanks!

BamaKyttn 01-30-2002 03:23 PM

ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow....
ok, Aqua, honey, I don't even HAVE a cock and I'm squirming in pain..... OWWWWWW!


Lilith 01-30-2002 05:00 PM

bad idea....
sand paper condoms... wondering if the Slippery Dip boys want to touch that one!!!!!~~~~~~~~~>Lilith

scotzoidman 01-30-2002 11:32 PM

Re: bad idea....
Originally posted by Lilith
sand paper condoms... wondering if the Slippery Dip boys want to touch that one!!!!!~~~~~~~~~>Lilith

Hmmm... <looking over OF's schematics> nope, design specifically says keep mechanism well-lubed and free of sand & grit....

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