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aflyerfan 04-13-2004 03:37 AM

The 130th Kentucky Derby
I am making my way from New York down to the Kentucky Derby this year. I am wondering if anyone has been there and if so if they could give any advise to this NewYorker about what to expect.

LixyChick 04-13-2004 04:55 AM

I don't have any advice...but wanted to say, have a wonderful time aflyerfan!

Teddy Bear 04-13-2004 05:35 AM

Sorry I can't help you since I've never been.

I just thought I'd wish you a safe trip!!

Have alot of fun and if your betting..... GOOD LUCK!

Lilith 04-13-2004 06:01 AM

Drink a mint julep for me!!!!

IAKaraokeGirl 04-13-2004 06:09 AM

aflyerfan~Having been born and lived most of my life in Lul-a-vul (that's your first lesson--how to pronounce the city), feel free to PM me with any specific questions. Are you just going down for the day or for Derby week? Either way, you'll have a blast!

aflyerfan 04-13-2004 02:17 PM

I am going to be there on Thursday. I am going to Churchill on the Oaks and derby days. I hear I should go on the infield,but I dont know how convenient it is to wager on the infield. I have a hotel room on Brownsboro Rd.

IAKaraokeGirl 04-13-2004 02:25 PM

Ah, home! :)

I've only been to Derby, once. I was actually in the stands and have never been to the infield; however, I *have* heard the stories. :D I'm not sure on betting out there, either...I'm not sure too much betting goes on out there. People are too busy doing other things like trying to sneak alcohol in, etc.

If you're there in time and are interested, the Pegasus Parade is always held on Thursday afternoons. I want to say it starts around 5ish. It's actually the only pre-Derby thing I've been to. :D

Two Saturdays before Derby is the official kick-off to the Derby festival. They have this huge, and I do mean HUGE, fireworks display on the river. The week before Derby is when things really kick in, though. The Saturday before Derby is the Great Balloon Race, and the Wednesday before Derby is the Great Steamboat Race. In between, they have other things like a bed race through the downtown streets, and a race where waiters and waitresses carry wine and see who can spill the least and win.

All in all, it's a blast--I'm sure you'll have a great time!

P.S. To hell with the Mint Juliep--have a piece of Derby Pie for me!

rockintime 04-13-2004 02:56 PM

Ohhhhhh...I suspect they have a way to take your wager.

IAKaraokeGirl 04-13-2004 03:58 PM

Um, he may be so distracted between the public drinking and sex that, once he *gets* to the infield, betting might be the last thing on his mind. ;)

aflyerfan 04-14-2004 02:57 PM

Sex on the infield? BRILLIANT.

IAKaraokeGirl 04-14-2004 03:26 PM

<----is repeating, once again, that she has never BEEN to the infield on Derby Day....just repeating what she's HEARD.

Sugarsprinkles 04-14-2004 05:52 PM

From what I've heard from Cabrylla who has only missed 4 derbys in her lifetime................IAKG, you have heard correctly!!!!

And she says, " a 'piece' of derby pie, hell!!! Have a whole pie!!"
That's one of the things she misses most about "Lu-a-vul"

aflyerfan 04-28-2004 02:31 AM

I am off for Kentucky in 6 hours. I cant believe I am actually going to The Kentucky Derby. I am so pumped up about this,but I guessthere isnt a lot of horse players out there. I look foward to getting home and being about 700 posts behind.

thereIam 04-28-2004 04:37 AM

*Looks furtively over each shoulder as he whispers*

It's just a horse race.

*Runs screaming "Help Me" out of the thread.*

M_Perverta 04-28-2004 05:36 AM

Re: The 130th Kentucky Derby
Originally posted by aflyerfan
I am making my way from New York down to the Kentucky Derby this year. I am wondering if anyone has been there and if so if they could give any advise to this NewYorker about what to expect.
I have never been but Hubby has. So I asked him about it. He has been there three times. Twice in the standard seats and once in Millionaire's Row (he wasn't a Millionaire at that time--but was invited). He said he had more fun when he WASN'T upstairs in Millionaires Row. Overall he says it's a very well-organized event and the Locals are very friendly and happy for the out-of-town business.

He made a profit every time he was there (Lucky bum!) by NOT betting the favorites. Stay away from "the chalk" he says. He made most of his money there on Exactas/Perfectas.

Overall? He rates the place very highly! Have a blast!

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