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vampiress 10-21-2002 07:35 PM

stretch marks...
Hello...I'm 18 years old and I've developed when I was pretty young, very quickly...therefore I have stretch marks on my breasts...they're reasonably big. I was wondering, are you guys grossed out by those stretch marks? :confused: have you ever came across those on women's breasts? my last boyfriend (he was my first boyfriend also) didn't seem to mind, he said he loved my breasts, but i kept feeling self conscious about it, begging to keep my bra on... So guys, how do you feel about those? I'd appreciate both young and older men's opinions, since I'd assume older men's opinion is a result of seeing all kinds of shapes and are more forgiving and understanding. Thanks!!
(I'm more relaxed when the lights are off but sometimes its nicer when its on! :o )

kleclere 10-21-2002 08:26 PM

Stretch marks are a part of life for a woman. I like them on breasts and stomachs. I'm an older fellow but you have to love yourself and enjoy what god gave you. Don't be afraid of the light don't fear your body. Ken

skipthisone 10-21-2002 08:32 PM

I understand it is very hard for a woman to go through life without getting any marks. So who am I to consider them unattractive. Just another part of the beauty of what is woman for me to take in.

south 10-21-2002 08:43 PM

I don't know let's see them? "Qual deres demonstandum"(sp)

Boru 10-21-2002 08:45 PM

I had a girlfriend once who was quite petite and had a large baby. Result - stretch marks! I thought they were the coolest things in the world! They looked like tiger stripes! Very sexy.


King's Jester 10-21-2002 09:57 PM

I'm a woman, but my boyfriend was once a very large man. He lost a lot of weight, and he has stretch marks now, and to me, they're just one more thing that makes him perfect in my eyes. I love them. And like you, (I'm 18 with large breasts that seemed to sprout overnight) I have stretch marks, but their not dark and just on the underside. I love them, and he loves them, so it's all cool! Don't ever hide your body!!!!!!!!!

Wisper 10-21-2002 10:17 PM

Vampiress~~I know how you feel...i have stretch marks on my breasts too....my b/f doesnt know b/c im self consious in general and he hasnt seen me naked in light....but boobs are his favorite part so i dunno whats going to happen......hell with recent events we might not even be together within the next week....which will be devastating for me...i really hope i dont loose him but i think i might

good luck

vampiress 10-22-2002 09:57 AM

thanks !
Thank you all very much for your answers, it seems like guys in reality are much more forgiving than what we girls think... almost like we are self conscious about things they don't even pay attention to! :) anyway...hopefully my next boyfriend will be as understanding and will make me feel comfortable with myself.

I hope you and your boyfriend will work things out...always remember there's a whole bunch of other great guys who's love to have you!

vampiress 10-22-2002 10:02 AM

Thank you all... :) I accidently posted a reply as a new thread...sorry about that, still new at all this. so you can read my reply as the "THANKS!" new thread!

vampiress 10-22-2002 10:04 AM

woops that was meant to be a reply in my "stretch marks" message! sorry!

BIBI 10-22-2002 11:06 AM

Let's see......something I know about! Stretch marks!
Have them on my breasts from nursing my children and of course on my tummy from being pregnant with them......I call them my children's life lines.....for their nourishment came from within while they were inside of me and from my breasts once born. Seems to me there are far too many airbrushes at work when we see pictures in magazines and such......not too many don't have stretch marks!!! Just my two cents worth lol.

katekate42 10-22-2002 10:55 PM

Hey, every woman gets them! I say that scars, stretch marks, and every little such change the body goes through are akin to the pages of a diary- it just goes to show that your body is well loved and lived in :) Only those who don't enjoy their bodies and lives are the ones who maintain "perfection," and any man who doesn't see the beauty in your body and soul doesn't deserve it.

Uncle Silky 10-23-2002 03:33 AM

titties is titties. so long as ya got em, they're fine.

Clint 10-23-2002 04:37 AM

Cocoa Butter...........works pretty well I hear, too.


Christine 10-23-2002 05:44 AM

I have a few on my upper thighs...none from my pregnancy strangely enough, but from losing quite a lot of weight in my early 20's. So they're there...if the men I've been with have noticed them, they haven't mentioned it. One guy was tracing them with his finger once while we were lying in bed, and I asked him if he liked my stretch marks. "Oh is that what they're called," he replied. So since then, if my flaws go unnoticed, who am I to point them out to anyone? :D

Sooner or later we all get stretch marks, scars, or other evidence on our bodies that we have really lived, and if someone thinks that's a turn-off then maybe their feelings for you doesn't run too deep either. Anyway, the real world isn't airbrushed thank god, and I think most of us realize and appreciate that.

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