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eagle1 12-22-2004 06:07 PM

your frist kiss?
ok all do you remmber your frsit kiss?

well very frist kiss was when i was around 11 i went to a roller skiteing with this girl i had a crush on at the time and we were sitting in the conor when she leaned over and kiss me i was kind of shocked when she did it but i do admit it felted good when she did ;)

imaginewithme 12-22-2004 10:42 PM

I remember mine, unfortunately. It was so corny. A really cool guy in 8th grade and I was in 7th grade just leaned down and gave me a big wet one. Now that I look back, it was so gross, but at the time I thought it was so cool that I finally kissed.

flutelady 12-22-2004 11:03 PM

It was during the summer after 7th grade. A boy from another school who I'd had a crush on for 2 years, finally noticed me. We were walking one day and ended up in the graveyard. It wasn't too thrilling, but it was the first.

Playful1 12-22-2004 11:16 PM

I was 16 (oh shut up) and this girl in my bhurch youth group I had a crush on was at this going away party with me. I took her to the exercise room of this kids house and said some REALLY corny line about us being together. She said sure and I had my first kiss...then my second, third.....you get the picture.

We broke up 8 days later. lol

Mercury_Maniac 12-22-2004 11:19 PM

well hmmm it was quite pathetic.

junior year, this girl and i at a party she was drunk i wasn't. made-out that was it.

she was 1 out of 2 girls that i have kissed, and i still don't know how to kiss

DangerousPet 12-22-2004 11:44 PM

haha there was this boy named Eric who used to come down wit his father in the summers to visit my aunt and uncle (they live next door to me) and when i was 12 (he was 14) we were swimming in my pool and we were holding hands and went under the water and did one of those weird under the water kisses... haha it was funny thinking back, but i was so excited at the time. and then we kissed on a pull talbe after we were done swimming.

ahh to go back to those days

Loulabelle 12-23-2004 03:39 AM

Mine was when I was 14 with a guy called Ben who was 17. He was a friend of my sister's and fancied her like mad, until he met me. He asked me out on the phone one day, and I said yes because he was the first guy ever to take an interest in me (I went to a single sex school, so didn't know many boys).

That evening we went out together to a bar with a load of my sister's friends (yes, yes, I know I was only 14!) and half way through the evening, he complained that he needed some air.

We stood outside the fire exit by the bins etc for a while to 'get some air' and then eventually he kissed me. I have to say I stood there wondering what all the fuss was about.....it wasn't sexy, or romantic and my knees didn't tremble. All I could taste was beer and cigarettes on his breath and by the following day I'd decided that the experience was so revolting it was not one I intended to repeat for a very long time. I started seeing another guy when I was 15 (he was 20) and it was the same story, but when I got to 17 I met this guy I really liked, and when we kissed for the first time, I finally got what kissing was all about......he were together for three months, and boy did we kiss a lot in that time!

Summer 12-23-2004 06:57 AM

My first kiss was in 3rd grade!!! (Which made me around 8 years old ....The mother in me is screaming YIKES! lol) It was with this cute boy in my class named Ed. He asked me to come look at this book in the book center in our class room. Before I knew what was going on he was leaning in for a kiss. I met those lips with mine and then giggled for the rest of the day. (these were my innocent days before I knew that you could add a tongue :drool: )

imaginewithme 12-23-2004 08:31 AM

oh but wonder what it'd be like to have a NEW first kiss---you know the butterflies, the hot cheeks......... :slurp:

Pita 12-23-2004 10:38 AM

My first kiss was when I was 15 with my boyfriend Bobby. We had been hanging out together a couple of weeks and always held hands then one night as he walked me to my door he leaned in and kissed me and shoved his tongue in my mouth. I was so shocked that I slapped him and told him never to talk to me again!!

The funny thing is that about a week later I start going with his bestfriend Junior and all we did was sit around with our tongues shoved down each other throats. Guess I just had to get over the intial shock of it all. :grin:

WildIrish 12-23-2004 11:54 AM

My first kiss was with the babysitter. Her parents were friends with my parents. She was 13 and I was all of 9 or 10. We were in a gazebo while our parents were doing God knows what, and she pounced me. I remember being terrified. Days or so later, we did it again and it was much nicer. No tongue though. ha ha

scotzoidman 12-23-2004 11:17 PM

Actually I've never been kissed by any of the Frists....

Sorry, you might need to be from TN to get the full effect of that one

dicksbro 12-24-2004 04:03 AM

LOL Scotz!

I think I was maybe 13 at a dance. We were actually playing a game passing (I don't even remember what) from chin to chin when the lips from the girl to my right met mine. Well ... that was number 1.

scotzoidman 12-25-2004 01:21 AM

OK, other than the quick peck I got in a "spin the bottle" game (someone's bd party in 5th or 6th grade, after the grownups quit supervising) my first real kiss was with a gf at 16...tongues & everything, first time out...

Belial 12-25-2004 06:54 AM

I was 21 (I went to an all-boys school and I'm shy, shut the fuck up :p ). I didn't know what I was doing and I think the alcohol she'd ingested had a bit to do with it as well as not wanting to disappoint the friend who'd fixed us up, then again she went back for more, maybe hoping I'd improve, I don't know...It was essentially the end of (and pretty much only good thing of) something that never really started. It was also the last one I've had, to date.

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