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pepsigirl 12-17-2002 10:14 PM

I would love to hear some of your ideas to set a romantic mood. Things that you would like to do, or things that you have done. As, I've never had any romance......would love to get some cooking though. Thanks :):fly:

krzykrn 12-18-2002 02:37 AM

Well, I guess it depends on what you think of as romantic, and I think there are certain degrees, from sweet little things like notes on the pillow to big events. One thing I have always wanted to do...but have not as yet is this: first cook an extravegent dinner then sit in front of a roaring fireplace (preferablly in a secluded cabin in the mountains). I would blind fold my lady love then get the things I have prepared ahead of time: melted chocolate, strawberries and champagne. I would then feed her the fruit dipped in the chocolate one at a time in between sips of champagne. Let things get a little messy...oops dribbled some chocolate on your chin and neck, guess I should clean that up...*lick* :) You get the idea, use your imagination from what happens from there...

Angel_25 12-18-2002 02:46 AM

sounds like a beautiful idea and very romantic :)- u should give men more tips like that! lol :D

pepsigirl 12-18-2002 08:35 AM

great idea krzykrn. got any more?

krzykrn 12-18-2002 08:51 PM

Angel_25: If I gave men tips I wouldn't have a chance and I would be single! Er wait, I am lol :) Kidding of course, I don't think I could give very helpful advice, women will always be a mystery :)

As for more ideas...well, this is rather simple but sweet I think. Take your love on a picnic, if you can plan it before hand, make all the food and place it in the area you plan to have it then bring them there, it is like finding a hidden present. Of course this can be tough lol, a lot of chancy factors (oops, no hon, I swear the bears are not part of the plan, and while you are at it, can you get my left leg? I think the bear dropped it by my right foot).

But seriously, a beautiful day, the sun is out, just the two of you in a secluded spot laying in the grass feeding each other tidbits of personally prepared food...it is like just the both of you exist in that moment of time together and that is all that matters.

Angel_25 12-18-2002 09:28 PM

well sorry to say- but you sound like a sweet, romantic guy and many men could learn a thing or two from your ideas! :p :D- as far as women being a mystery - well thats part of our allure (suposedly lol) and don't worry most of the time women cant understand men either!! lol :)

jennaflower 12-18-2002 11:14 PM


I think you are revealing to the ladies what I already know.... that you are an incredible catch... there is some damn lucky lady out there that doesn't even know how lucky she is gonna be...

Glyndwr 12-19-2002 05:34 AM

I have found that romance should be tailored to the lady. Something special and individual can mean so much to one person but nothing to another. The art of romance is making the effort to find out what will make her day and then moving heaven and earth to realise that pleasure for her. It could be an extravagant gesture or something extremely simple, at the end of the day just let her know that you care.

If there are any ladies out there who would disagree with this please feel free. I'm always ready to learn more ;)

Lilith 12-19-2002 07:34 AM

Works for me........everytime! What you do matters a whole lot less than the fact that you do something! Effort......it's all about the effort. Taking the time to take the time:p

Vintage Vixen 12-19-2002 10:20 AM

Romance has alot of meanings......but for me when my s.o. cooked for me at his house that was nice.It can be getting a single flower,a card,any little thing like that makes me melt.And i know we've had our best times together when we didn't have worry about interuptions.And in Vegas its hard for my kids to pound on the door when they're 2000 miles away.I think he'd agree with me there.Besides going on a trip it definately has nothing or little to do with money at least in my book.Being pampered can be done from the heart.

Dimplesguy 12-21-2002 09:54 AM

For me romance starts with how you treat someone. How you enjoy hearing their thoughts. I think the little gestures set the mood. I also love the use of lots of candles and soft intense music.

Wombats Dinner 12-23-2002 07:45 AM

The little things are the things that do it for me, like my SO making me dinner, cleaning without having to be nagged to do it, and then on occassions love to get flowers or a card that nice :), but has to be a surprise otherwise it just doesn't have the same effect.

Wildeye 12-23-2002 04:52 PM


Sunset walk by the sea, breakfast in bed, with flowers. Good restaurant and food.

Surprise weekend away at a secluded natural place or venice or florence or just a walk in the local woods, opening the car door..reading her fave poem or leaving little notes around..

wildeye - feeling v. winsome

Wildeye 12-23-2002 04:56 PM

Play some great music

eg All the time in the world, Catch or wild romantic stuff eg

You took the words right outa my mouth, I swear it's true I was just about to say I love you...

exhib_it_all 12-27-2002 01:02 AM

Ok girls, imagine this...

You get home, drive into your driveway and you find rose pedals leading up to the house. You follow them inside to find they lead to the bathroom, where there is a nice hot bubble bath waiting for you.

A bottle of Asti Spumante champagne is sitting in a bucket of ice next to two glasses and a very sweet note, attached to a single red rose. The note reads "Because you are so special to me..."

Dinner is on auto pilot in the kitchen and will be finished simmering in about an hour. The table is already set for two, and there are several roses in a vase between two long slim white candles...

Tonight you are a goddess, a queen, the most important thing on Earth. You know from previous experience there are many other surprises in store for you this night, including a full body massage with fragrant oils in front of the warm fireplace...

ok, going to stop there for now. How am I doing so far?


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