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Lilith 04-22-2003 07:43 AM

Being An Asshole
Do you think most people get that way due to nature or nurture?

Some people seem to have a special talent for it. Do you think it's a case of practice making perfect or that a true asshole is born that way?

jseal 04-22-2003 07:47 AM


Nurture. The bigger assholes have to put up with more shit.

Cheyanne 04-22-2003 08:28 AM

Assholes like to stir up trouble.... I think that assholes ejoy the reaction of others and go out of their way to be insensitive and uncaring. Assholes like to make people hide and feel bad.

I have a "bitch" switch. When I run across an asshole, I turn the switch on. No more asshole!

I also think this ~ the bigger the asshole, the smaller the brain.

Sorry about ranting.... read a thread response that got my ire up... need to look at some nice cocks to lighten up my mood!

Vigil 04-22-2003 08:28 AM

I was born this way.

m45 04-22-2003 08:33 AM

It takes more energy to be an ass hole then to be nice.
They are born that way and can not direct their energy to being nice as they have no clue how to be nice.

LixyChick 04-22-2003 09:07 AM

Reminds me of "The I-95 Asshole Song"..........

"Were you born an asshole, or did you work at it your whole life?
Either way it worked out fine, cause yer an asshole tonight.
Yes, you're an A.S.S.H.O.L.E., and don't ya try and blame it on me.
I've got a feeling, you'll be an asshole the rest of your life."

....or something like that! LOL!

I think it's nurtured. A sucker is born every minute.....an asshole has to strive to be the best asshole he/she can be! The better they get at it the better they (and usually only they) like themselves! But I don't think assholes think they are assholes.....I just think they think they are above all us peons, that their life is much better than all whom they have to deal with, and to be a decent person to the undeserving would be a waste of his/her precious time. That's my take on the subject......just my $.02.

PantyFanatic 04-22-2003 09:11 AM

Where can I get one of those switches Cheyanne?:)

I think they start out as little assholes but can needle you until they become a big pain in the ass. I think they have a lot of iron their diet. You’ll recognize this property when you become an asshole magnet.:mad:

Vigil 04-22-2003 09:24 AM

I'm feeling a bit culturally remote on this Asshole issue.

Is there an absolute definition to being an asshole or are there grades - who are the prime examples?

Could it be a relative thing - in the eye of the beholder or one man's asshole being another man's best friend?

Are these the sort of things that worry an asshole?

Steph 04-22-2003 09:32 AM

Assholes on chat boards and the like are probably that way from boredom and lack of a life. They know they'll get a response from people if they're an asshole quicker than if they're supportive and informative.

LixyChick 04-22-2003 09:53 AM

LOL Vigil! So many questions, it's hard to pass this up.

As to one man's asshole being another's best friend.........I think after a while the "best" friend (if he's any friend at all) will tell the asshole he IS indeed an asshole and smack him upside the head!

Absolute definition? Not really. There are different grades of assholiness!

Culturally remote? Can't happen! When you meet an asshole, you know it. And they are everywhere.........kinda like dog shit when you've stepped in it.

Prime examples? No true role model as I don't think they have a world-wide fan club. If you've ever heard of Howard Stern......he's an asshole at times. He might give you a general idea of what to look for. We've had several posters on the boards that would qualify. I'm way too reserved to name nics........but we've seen um around.

Hope this helps..........and LOL again. Stop worrying! Your within the perimeter of good verses assholiness!

69SuperSport 04-22-2003 10:40 AM


drwinxp 04-22-2003 02:47 PM

who are we talking about?:o

Lilith 04-22-2003 03:29 PM

Do you want the BIG list or the condensed version?

Cheyanne 04-22-2003 03:43 PM

A special place for ASSHOLES
Assholes are gathering!!!!! So, if you are an asshole, here is a "special" place for you!!!!


wench 04-22-2003 03:52 PM

There's even a Dennis Leary song titled "The Asshole Song."

I love it!! It's hilarious!!! His son even got in trouble in school for singing it there! (he's in grade school) :D

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