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PantyFanatic 09-18-2003 06:09 PM

“I will guard everything within the limits of my post and ......
..... quit my post only when properly relieved.”:cool:

The 18:00 [EDT] NEWS states that Washington DC has battened down for hurricane Isabel. Along with most other things, all government offices were closed and all mass transit canceled. The Honor Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier WILL maintain his post throughout the oncoming storm.:eek:

Is this a silly and unnecessary act that could endanger able-bodied military personnel or is this a dutiful ceremony that shows our enduring regard for the citizens that have served our country?


IggysGirl 09-18-2003 06:14 PM

Silly but then again they can't seem to do anything right. Iggy was supposed to be here yesterday but where is he? I don't know.

Irish 09-18-2003 08:31 PM

The only thought is not the danger that is emminent,but how can one profit from it!Late yesterday afternoon,I was exchanging my
summer clothes,for the winter ones.My closet is in my workout
room,in the back of my house.While transferring,I put the TV on in
that room!I put on Fox news,to catch-up on the storm.A correspondant was reporting from Virginia Beach.He held up a T-shirt that he had just purchased.Don't forget,the storm hadn't even come on shore yet.The T-shirt said"I survived,Isabel(sp?)
Sept.18 & 19"I think that it's called "Greed"! Irish
P.S.It was still the 17th.

fzzy 09-18-2003 09:05 PM

maybe silly, but it seems like I heard that this is such a post of honor and the call to serve there is rather short that when you get the chance to do so, no one walks away from it .... course that could also be something I tell myself!!! :) Some traditions may have risk, but there is also decades of history built into them as well. I'm glad I don't have to do it, but somehow, the fact that someone is doing it seems intensely patriotic to me. :)

calihotguy 09-18-2003 09:10 PM

intensely patriotic could still mean intensely stupid as well....but I'll never be one to put down fortitude.....

Cheyanne 09-18-2003 09:12 PM

I thought the same thing when I saw that on the news!!! All I could think of was that our capitol was shut down and all the workers and elected officials were safe at home and they left that poor soul out in the elements! HOW STUPID!!! To what end will the "symbolism" take.... guarding a dead guy in a tomb - which btw is perfectly safe from the onslaught of 95 mph winds..... :dizzy:

Kissy 09-18-2003 09:55 PM

Sadly if this person died though, no one would be standing over his grave during a storm. There are many people who've served and I don't think risking another one to "guard" this special place makes any sense.

PantyFanatic 09-18-2003 10:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I know that the people who wait for our return have a different but equally hard mission. And it is even more difficult for the ones that don’t.

I don’t believe one of these men will get or purchase a T shirt.

PantyFanatic 09-18-2003 10:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You are right that there has NEVER been the need for recruitment of volunteers.

The Sentinels Creed
My dedication to this sacred duty is total and wholehearted.
In the responsibility bestowed on me never will I falter.
And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection.
Through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements, I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best of my ability.
It is he who commands the respect I protect.
His bravery that made us so proud.

As a student I’m sure you will be interested in “studying” what was done by others that we can only rememer.

PantyFanatic 09-18-2003 10:10 PM

Cheyanne & Kissyface-
You are correct that there is no “right” call on this. There has only been WRONG calls by humanity.

And by the way, there is more than one person located there…………….. and a lot more other places.

The bodies of many soldiers killed in World War I could not be identified. To honor them, the remains of one were brought to the U.S. Capitol to lie in state, and on Armistice Day 1921 they were ceremoniously buried in Arlington National Cemetery. The tomb bears the inscription "Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God." Congress later directed that an "Unknown American" from subsequent wars -- World War II, Korea and Vietnam -- be similarly honored. Because of the development of DNA technology, the unknown soldier from the Vietnam War was recently exhumed and identified. There may never be another unknown soldier.

Irish 09-19-2003 10:45 AM

calihotguy---I ENLISTED at 17,after graduation from High School!
The only person,that you have to appease,is the person that looks back from the mirror.If I hadn't gone in,I wouldn't have felt
right!I'm 59 now and I still don't feel stupid for doing it!My opinion
is that too many people have the"Hooray for me,Fuck everybody
else attitude!If you don't beleive in serving your country,fine,but
that doesn't make someone stupid,because they do! Irish
P.S.Different strokes,for different folks!
P.P.S.The only thing that I couldn't understand,was that I could
get KILLED for my country but couldn't legally drink!

Irish 09-20-2003 10:31 AM

PF---Years ago,I was on a Special Forces inspection team!I'm
probably not supposed to reveal this,but do you know why MOST
sentrys are either killed or snuck by,by the enemy?It's because
their minds are otherwise occupied,because they are MASTURBATING! Irish
PS.File that under "Little Known Facts!"OBVIOUSLY,the enemies
leaders know that!(another fact,hidden from the public!)

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