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Vullkan 06-23-2004 01:25 PM

fireworks and the 4th
Just a few simple questions--:)

Where you live are you allowed to purchase fireworks? And if so, are your personal firework shows a dud--or WWII revisited?

As for myself, I think I never grew up when it comes to fireworks. I am surprised the UN hasn't sent over peace keepers. But here just about anything goes for what you can get, except for bottle rockets, Roman candles and the like--sigh!! too bad!

naughtyangel 06-23-2004 01:34 PM

it's illegal to sell anything bigger than a sparkler here :D

wyndhy 06-23-2004 01:39 PM

can't get much here. sparklers, things that go fizz and pop. the local shows are pretty good though and i'd rather go to watch the pros do it, where i can sit back on a blanket with the loves of my life, share nibbles of a funnelcake and sips of a slushie and ooh and ah.

Summer 06-23-2004 01:41 PM

Pretty much can't have anything cool here. :(
Somehow I managed to get my hands on some major stuff (from a storage unit auction). I wasn't sure how old those bombs were. So I handed them to a pretty well known "crazy guy" at one of my parties to set them off. The show was amazing! They shot up you would hear the boom then a few seconds later the sky light up. Crazy but fun!

Kissy 06-23-2004 02:33 PM

Where my husband and I grew up they have very strict laws, however his dad was the local chief of police so he confiscated everyone's illegal fireworks and lit them off himself! Now that we've moved we were surprised to find that here you can show most places your car registration proving you're from out of town and they will sell you the ones you can't have in this state. Strange concidering our registration is from a state with more strict laws on it! So we can get just about anything, but last year my husband scared me too much with the bottle rockets. If we go out of town then maybe but last year we lit them in the back yard and they kept changing direction and landing on our neighbors roof! :( So we'll just stick with the legal ones at home for the kids to watch.

musketeer 06-23-2004 02:59 PM

The traditional day for fireworks here in the UK is November 5th otherwise known as Bonfire Night. You can a wide variety of fireworks to celebrate with. My personal favorite was one we got a coupke of years ago that was a 450 bang chinese style cracker.

Aqua 06-23-2004 03:03 PM

I can't believe they allow sparklers still... they are the only thing that's ever burned me on the 4th.

Most cities here have banned fireworks, but there are Tribal Reservations that selll the "good stuff". I'd just as soon take in a big display than spend a bunch of money on fireworks. There are several here to choose from, so I can spend more money on beer! (jk!) :p

LixyChick 06-23-2004 03:10 PM

It's not legal in Pa. to have anything other than a sparkler, but that never used to stop hubby, who has a blaster's license. Not in pyrotechnics...but it comes in handy when he travels to Ohio, for example, where he used to be able to purchase some really cool shit. They'd take him into "the backroom" when they found out what he did for a living...and give him quite a deal on the big guns! We haven't done that inna while though. I guess it's getting scarier with all the terrorism. He'd prolly lose his license now if he were caught with illegal fireworks. We just leave it up to the professionals now.

The times...they are a changing!

fredchabotnick 06-24-2004 12:03 AM

I don't think much of anything is legal in IL (but go to WI and all hell can break loose). But who needs your own fireworks when you can go to Taste of Chicago and watch them over the lake with thousands of other people (and get lit up yourself :-)

Oldfart 06-24-2004 12:21 AM

We're about the last place in Oz where you can get anything decent.

Southern spoilsports are trying to spoil it though.

scotzoidman 06-24-2004 11:15 AM

They outlawed everything but sparklers & the itty-bitty ladyfingers in the county about 3 decades ago, & I think even those are illegal now...but all the fireworks sellers set up just across the county line, where you can get enough firepower to blow your neighbors off the map! But we've had a great display done by the pros down at the Riverfront for several years now, better show than anybody can afford to put on in their backyard, & it's free! I just take the kids, park the van on a hillside at a place I used to work, & enjoy the show...one of the local radio stations even plays music sychronized to the display...

Bardog 06-24-2004 11:16 AM

I guess there are some advantages to living in the Southern US
Here there are firework stands every five miles along the highway

cyberkitten 06-24-2004 11:59 AM

everything but sparklers and those goofy ash snakes are illegal here. :(
however, we've made nice with a couple teams that do professional shoots, and we get to sit back with them in the fields where they do the shoots. best spot in the house!

jay-t 06-24-2004 01:39 PM

They are still legal here and the entire family gets to gather all the anuts,uncles ,cousins . we each chip in $15 to $20.have a big cookout,homemade ice cream and have fun.after we shoot ours we turn our lawn chairs around and watch the citys display

skyler_m 06-24-2004 03:29 PM

In ohio, you can buy just about anything you want... but you have to sign a document (and show your driver's license) that you will take them out of state within 48 hours. So last year I lied and said I was going to Indiana. I live in a township and many people around us set off fireworks. The neighbor around the corner and I had sort of a "dueling banjoes" kind of thing going last year. Had some neat stuff, but not as good as I wanted. Damn wife wouldn't let me sell one of the cars to buy what I really wanted. LOL.

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