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Galatea 01-11-2006 11:22 PM

The Nose Knows, and Remembers
I know this has probably been discussed but I just wanted to revisit this out of curiosity and to see the differences between men and women. I've recently become fascinated with the nose and how it smells, the different sensors that cause your brain to decipher the difference in good smells and bad smells. They say that smell is the sense most linked to memory. I know it's true for me. I can smell a certain candle, food, air freshener, cologne and be taken back to any point in my life. For instance Glade Melon Burst candles will forever remind me of when I first started dating my husband. That new car smell aerosol spray car refresher stuff...whatever its called, will forever remind me of the first time we made love (lol, guess where we were).

My question for all my Pixies friends is, What smell turns you on the most and why? It can be a cologne, candle, anything that you smell and it brings that secret smile to your face? I'm curious also the differences between what smells turn men on and what smells turn women on so feel free to go into detail.

Loulabelle 01-12-2006 02:41 AM

I know it's a bit unoriginal, but I truly love the smell of Fussy's usual aftershave, Hugo. He's run out at the moment and is wearing something different and I miss it, because Hugo is his smell.

Also, if I can ever smell/taste coffee on his breath when I kiss him (which is rare because we don't drink much coffee in this household) it reminds me of the very first night we spent together.

Lilith 01-12-2006 05:24 AM

I love a man to smell like bleach, laundry powder, and cleanser :D I can walk in the house, and we use this cheap lavender floor cleaner, one whiff and I'm instantly in love/lust.

Fangtasia 01-12-2006 05:38 AM

Horse sweat and leather......why...hmmmmmm the only thing i can think of is the time my b/f and i made love on horseback

Stuffed if i know why i'm not with a cowboy LMAO

lizzardbits 01-12-2006 07:05 AM

a leather coat, mixed with the smell of Preferred Stock, and cigarette smoke will allways bring me back to about 14 years ago, when i had a *mad* crush on a guy. was purely plutonic, at least on his part, but he was one of my best friends for a while. *sniff* i miss the friendship....

New car scent, in the pine tree car fresheners, and car leather....basically what my van smells like....umm..that equals the many times that Mayhem and i made sure that the van was thouroughly broken in!

WildIrish 01-12-2006 12:35 PM

The original Liz Claiborne scent...the one that comes in the triangular bottle. Mrs. WI was wearing it the night we first kissed.

Other than that, it's musky body scent. I love the smell of skin. Mmmmmm!

fzzy 01-12-2006 08:58 PM

English Leather cologne ... I'm telling you .. I love the smell of that stuff .... always have ... I've been known to follow a man around - me breathing deeply.

Bread baking (or toasting) ... not so much a turn on sexually, but it's a comforting and relaxing smell to me ....

Vanilla, that's my preferred scent in candles, etc. I just like the smell a lot, it's fresh and not tooooo much, for the most part, other than the above, I prefer the unscented variety in various things and people. :)

wyndhy 01-12-2006 09:01 PM

a certain brand of spiral note-book paper :o
and for your research :D it's a non-musk based cologne-type smell

gekkogecko 01-13-2006 10:43 AM

Oh, you people with a sense of smell are just showing off. :mad:

osuche 01-14-2006 01:33 AM

Galatea...are you pregnant? I hear smell gets SO much more sensitive!

For me....a certain brand of Bath and Body Works soap (for men), ginger, and the smell of fresh sweat. :slurp:

Loulabelle 01-14-2006 05:03 AM

I'm so with you on the smell of fresh sweat, Osuche! I love that smell.

And the smell of skin that's been in the sun.....OMG...mmmmmm

Jax 01-16-2006 11:39 AM

Certain perfurmes that the wife wears remind me of special nights or dates etc...and then it goes from there...Although in light of the few men responses, I wonder if sense of smell and eroticism is more of a female thing?

PantyFanatic 01-16-2006 01:18 PM

Knowing little about the science of smell and pheromones, I too find it interesting. It being something that is difficult to quantify, it seems to be able to trip visual, mental and even physical reactions that are so definitive and specific that it’s mind blowing to me. Due to a habit that I cannot mention on here, I consider me ‘sense of smell’ to be long gone, yet specific odors snap my attention often before others in the same environment.

The sent of honeysuckle in June is one that will always take me back to a porch glider and my first heavy petting behind a trellis many years ago. :D There is a special soap that was often used when anal sex was about to happen that causes an erection even now when showering alone.

Even just the memories of a smell are powerful. As a kid I lived not far from bread factory, not just a bakery. You could go by and see the loaves of bread through the front windows, going up hill on a conveyor belt that was a half block long. The smell that was piped out into the street is a vivid and pleasant today as it was a half century ago. :)

The sent of an over heating electrical motor or a burnt ballast in a fluorescent light fixture are each unmistakable to me. The smell of cutting oil when you enter a small machine shop is not necessarily pleasant or unpleasant, but a very friendly one.

Tangerines were something that was only around my house at Thanksgiving and Christmas time and are so synonymous for me that I go around squirting the rind in the air at my son and daughters house so my grand kids might also have the pleasant memories.:rolleyes:

Gun powder and blood really DO have very distinctive smells. :(

Loulabelle 01-17-2006 02:30 AM

I've heard it said that women have a more distinct sense of smell than men. It's a hormonal thing, I believe.

I remember watching a documentary recently about a couple who'd both undergone sex changes to become female, and one of them was saying that her sense of smell was far more sensitive since becoming a woman.

Galatea 01-17-2006 04:23 PM

[QUOTE=osuche]Galatea...are you pregnant? I hear smell gets SO much more sensitive![QUOTE]

Girl don't EVEN play like that... :eek: No, I'm not preggerz (as far as I know). I just read an article on smell and noses recently and it made me curious.

There use to be this dandruff shampoo that I can't find anymore that was for women. It was like selsun gold or something gold but anyway...that stuff smelled SO good. I've smelled things similar even though I can't find the actual shampoo anymore and it reminds me of my high school best friend and how we use to make out at night after we had both just showered and gone to bed. :rolleyes:

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