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JennyD 06-02-2006 12:40 AM

Being stretched and tightness
I wasn't sure how to title this. So, I know all about kegals. I'm very good with my kegal muscles and they are very good to me.

Here's my question....

When you've been stretched out a bit during sex, how long does it take for the vaginal muscles to go back to normal?

Example. Playing with toys which are larger than your mate, or fisting.

I'm just curious here. A few hours? 12? 24? Any ideas are appreciated. I think it happens fairly quickly, maybe a few hours tops.


JassWolf 06-02-2006 02:37 PM

From my experience on the other end of things :rolleyes2 it's just a matter of minutes.

Of course it may also depend on the vaginal orifice in question.

Okay, here's what I'll offer -- I'll run the lab, purely objective testing for any lady who'd like expert opinion and timing with an atomic stop watch, Greenwich Mean Time.

Anyone want a banana? :nana:


Lilith 06-02-2006 03:01 PM

mmmmmmmmm stretching is good

Wicked Wanda 06-22-2006 08:04 PM

stretched out
mmm oh God yes I love to be stetched.

uuuhh wha?

(Nurse Wanda stops thinking of the last time SHE got stretched out and tries to answer)

Open ended (OMG did I really say that?) question hon.
More you get stretched, the longer it takes.
Passing a small car vaginally (known as giving birth) leaves most women stretched somewhat permanently. Kegel help A LOT, so don't quit.
From normal (what is normal?) intercourse, you should feel "right and tight" in about 12 to 24 hours.
Side effect note- When I was living as a lesbian for a few years, I got very tight, and the first guy I was with couldn't get enough, and neither could I!!!!


Nurse Wanda

Loulabelle 06-23-2006 03:55 AM

Originally Posted by Wicked Wanda
Passing a small car vaginally (known as giving birth) leaves most women stretched somewhat permanently. Kegel help A LOT, so don't quit.

*Hands over ears* la la laaaah...la la laaaa

OK WW, may I ask you a question, while we're on the subject of childbirth?

I know you're supposed to do Kegels before the birth to help with continence issues etc, however, won't that also make me tighter making it harder for me to push 'mini-me' out? I really hate the idea of tearing or having an episiotomy and I can't help but feel that I should be preparing by stretching, not by tightening my vaginal passage....also, is there any truth in the claims that massaging wheatgerm oil/other kinds of oil into the perineum may prevent the need for stitches?


Lilith 06-23-2006 07:49 AM

I was told the Kegels were helpful before but really more important afterwards to help the uterine walls (ha ha mine are gone!) and bladder resume their rightful positions. I read a great hippy birthing book before baby #2 and it described that as the contractions come you think of yourself as opening not 'contracting' and so after the contractions begins to ease you focus on breathing anf picture yourself opening up as you relax. The book said that keeping the perineum rubbed with oil during the process can help if opposing pressure is placed on it during the birth. That being said I can tell you from experience that cutting heals faster than tearing.

Loulabelle 06-23-2006 08:35 AM

Thanks for that Lil...I think maybe I need to find a hippy birthing book! Now are you sure you shouldn't be in bed resting?!

Wicked Wanda 06-24-2006 07:38 AM

Lou and babies
Listen to Lil, please. I know a lot about the book stuff, but haven't ever given birth (gulp) and experience is the best teacher.

My two pennies?

There are some stretching exercises that will help avoid tearing. The best source (aside from the hippie books) are yoga books. Find one that is a good BEGINNER'S book on yoga and pregnancy.
I have seen lit that says regular exercise coupled with massaging the perineum with good oils in the months before birth will help prevent tearing or the need for cutting. (I bet having hubby do the massage will help too. Uhhh with the "bonding" part, I mean *blush* No really, honest.)
Also, WATCH your diet. If you and the baby gain too much weight before birth... well big baby, big head, more chance of tearing. The doctor or middy should keep you on track.

Finally, EXERCISE: The more physically fit and active a woman is the fewer complications, and the faster she heals after.

Follow your caregiver's advice on this She/he knows you best, and should be the best source.

KISSES for Lil and Lou.

(I never get to Nurse for those I really want to)


Loulabelle 06-24-2006 01:08 PM

Thanks for that WW.

I definitely need to up my exercise level, and as I'm finally finding the energy to stay awake past 7pm, I'm hoping to be a bit more active in the coming months.

As for my weight, well since you know I'm not exactly small to begin with, it was always going to be an issue during my pregnancy; however you'll be glad to hear that I passed my glucose load test fine, so it looks like I'm not in a high risk category for gestational diabetes and I stood on the scale today for the first time since my first trip to the midwife, and I weigh exactly the same as I did when I was 6 weeks pregnant. I think that's pretty good going since I'm now a week and a half away from the 5 month mark.

It helps a lot that I've gone off chocolate, high fat food gives me indigestion and if I overeat on anything it just comes straight back up! The only food I can really say I've had a craving for is fresh fruit and the odd raw carrot, so it seems that listening to my body is proving to be the best thing for me.

lizzardbits 06-24-2006 02:56 PM

:jacques: more hijacking.

Try not to deliver your baby while you are laying on your back, legs up in stirrups or legs being held back by the nurse and Fussy. That position is convieneint for the doctor, not you. The way that our bodies are made has our tailbones curling in towards our bottoms. This makes an up hill curve to the birth canal when a woman is lying on her back, or even sitting up a bit. The perineum is more likely to get kind of stretched upwards as it is being stretched open, and thus making the woman have to push her baby up and over the perineum, and causing tearing/episotomy.

Push baby out when your body says so, not when a 10cm measurement and doctor/midwife tells you to do so. Your body has the knowledge to push baby out when it is time, and rushing nature tends to end up with more complications.

Here are some tips on birthing positions that may help prevent tearing/episiotomy:
*Water is THE best natural pain reliever. See if your hospital/birthing center has big bath tubs, or whirlpool tubs, or birthing pools, or showers with chairs in them. the warm water will help distract and relieve you. If the tub is deep enough, it can give bouyancy to your belly and rest to your muscles in the rest of your body, and takes gravitational pressure off of your perineum. If you can, go for a waterbirth. I have read that most of the time, women who birth in water have minimal or no tearing at all. (I want to go all :hippy: "hippy"-like and have a waterbirth if Mayhem and I get preggers)
*If you feel that you must lie down, you can lay on your side to birth, and Fussy can hold your leg.
*Squatting is a great way to lessen pushing time by letting gravity help you. Fussy can supprt you in the squat, or you can use a bar that goes across the bed to hold yourself in the squat.
*You can birth on your hands and knees, or holding on the the back of the fully up raised bed.
*If your hospital/birthing center has birthing chairs, they are good to birth on too. They work on the idea that when you sit on a toilet, your pelvic floor muscles are instinctively relaxed so you can do your business on the toilet. They look like variations of cool looking toilet seats.

I know that medical professionals say not to have sex until 6-8 weeks post-partum, but I know that I was feeling good after my eldest was born, needed no stitches, and the ex and I had sex 2 weeks post-partum. I don't think I was all "stretched out" as we both seemed to enjoy ourselves.

Loulabelle 06-25-2006 06:58 AM

Lizz, I soooo hear you on not lying down...I've always thought that was strange. As my preggers book says, you wouldn't go to the toilet lying down, so why give birth that way?

I really really like the idea of a water birth and the maternity hospital does offer that facility, so that'll be part of the plan at least.

OK, enough of the :jacques:

I'm thinking maybe I should have started a separate thread for this!!!!!

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