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Emzo 08-24-2007 06:05 AM

the hollywood thread!
there's never much film talk around here, and since i last got paid i feel like ive been glued to the cinema (or "movies" for the americans :p).

any films people have seen/want to see lately?

ive seen Transformers (i know, but its awesome), The Simpsons etc.

the simpsons was a massive disappointment. for what is essentially the biggest animated film ever due to the content it really wasnt humorous enough. Rush Hour 3, whilst cheesy and basically pretty naff, was still very amusing in parts, and the Tucker/Chan partnership still works very well I feel.

Also saw Zach Braff's The Ex, which is amusing, as it tries to embody Scrubs-style comedy with a romantic baseline.

Oldfart 08-24-2007 08:28 AM

Hot Fuzz, probably more a Brit/Oz movie than an American one.

If you liked "Shaun of the Dead", you'll like this one too.

Lilith 08-24-2007 03:53 PM

I want to see that "Superbad"

WildIrish 08-24-2007 04:01 PM

I'd like to see the new Bourne movie. I read the book and I always like to compare.

Plus, he ain't exactly ugly. :p

babybunny 08-24-2007 04:40 PM

Hubbi and I are movie nuts so we see alot in theaters and rent an insane amount as well.

The latest movies we have seen would be:

Superbad~ Pretty damn funny. If you like 40 yr old virgin, youll like this one.

Stardust~ This one surprised me actually. I didnt assume it was going to be as good as it was. It reminds me alot of The Princess Bride, as far as story and humor.

The Bourne Movies: (Identity, Supremacy and Ultimatum) are fantastic movies. Action packed, conspiracy theories included.

Disturbia~ Pretty good, worth a rental.

The Contract~ I love me some Morgan Freeman, but this was a sleeper really.

300~ Husbands favorite movie. I like it alot as well. The cinematography on it really is amazing to watch.

Click~ A fairly older movie but its one of my favorites. Its really hilarious and a bit sappy at the same time.

Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Hope it helps. :)

wyndhy 08-27-2007 09:23 AM

Originally Posted by Oldfart
Hot Fuzz, probably more a Brit/Oz movie than an American one.

If you liked "Shaun of the Dead", you'll like this one too.


LixyChick 08-27-2007 02:40 PM

Forgot the title but Christopher Walken is in a new comedy that I'd like to see. Something about ping-pong.

Anyway...it's just a wish cause hubby and I don't "date" anymore it seems. I don't think about going alone...but I should start!

IowaMan 08-27-2007 02:47 PM

Oooh, I had forgotten about Stardust. That one looks good. Want me to pick you up Lixy? I'll take ya out. :)

babybunny 08-28-2007 03:06 PM

Lixy~ Balls of Fury is what you are thinking of. I hope we can see that this weekend. It looks hilarious. As far as going alone to the movies, you should. Then you can talk to us about em. <3

Oldfart 08-28-2007 05:06 PM

Fracture starring Hannibal Lector was great. He does such a good Hopkins.

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