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Teddy Bear 12-21-2008 08:42 PM

May seem like a downer but its not....
Hello Pixie family/friends,

My health continues to be an issue. I have several different major things going on but this thread is about one of them....Parkinson's. While that is usually thought of as an old people disease there is also 'young on-set Parkinson's'. Which Michael J. Fox and I have in common. I was diagnosed at age 45. It is a progressive disease which they say doesn't shorten your life, just makes whats left of it miserable. And they are right!!

I have all of it, the stutter step, the freezing gait, the Parkinson's stoop, the tremors, the speech troubles, etc and the loss of balance/falling!! I am peeked out on the meds that are currently used. I have more what is called 'off times' then good. Sooo... I am having deep brain surgery. Well I have signed up for it anyway. Have to go through some testing first. Completed most of it. A 3 hour psychological test is next. If I'm found to have any mental illness they won't do the procedure. I've signed the release forms already though.

The surgery itself is scarey but I can't wait! This is something I want so much! It won't be a cure but will put me back to where I am when I'm at my best now. Which is good enough for me. It with give me a few years of a better quality of life then I have now. :) It is progressive and will continue after the surgery. :( But we're not gonna think bout that.

As for the procedure itself... my husband and I have met the neurosurgeon he explained it all thoroughly and we have a lot of confidence in him. I have agreed to be part of a case study which will help them learn more about the brain. I will be playing a sort of video game during the procedure. I told the doc. I generally suck at video games. He said thats ok, I don't need to win, just playing it will give them insight into the brains working. I figured it would be good to help the docs gain knowledge but also by playing this game I will be distracted from whats really happening.... People poking around inside my skull. LOL

No date is set for this to happen yet, have to finish the testing first. But I'm hoping for Jan. or Feb. of 2009. I'm scared to death but I've never wanted anything more. Just wanted my Pixie family to know whats going on with teddy.

*hugs* to all of you
:) teddy :)

jseal 12-21-2008 08:50 PM

Teddy Bear,

I hope you get your surgery, and it is as beneficial as it can be.

Good Luck,


Oldfart 12-21-2008 09:41 PM

Teddy Bear,

Whatever it takes to maximise quality of life.

BTW, have you checked if they have the new game from SOFA Associates, "Pin the penis on the Pixie"?

Scarecrow 12-21-2008 10:25 PM

Uhh Teddy maybe you should not mention Pixies, the Docs might not be able to concentrate on the surgery, they may be looking at the 2009 Pixies Lady's calendar.

Hope that you get to have the surgery and that it does all that you hope it will. Sending prays & good vibe along with some hugs(((((hug)))))

Fangtasia 12-22-2008 12:38 AM


FlirtWithMe 12-22-2008 02:59 AM

Teddy Bear I'm sorry to read of your illness and what you're going through. It sounds like the surgery will be a good thing, even if not a permanent fix, and you sound very positive about it, which can only help :nod: It's great that you'll be part of a case study, ultimately helping many people in the future by giving valuable information to those carrying out the study :)

I wish you all the best for the psych tests and hope you can go on to have the surgery. I wish you well for the surgery itself, too

Lilith 12-22-2008 08:03 AM

Pixies and neuroscience have a long standing relationship. I hope that you have great results and a long less torturous life. ((hugs))

gekkogecko 12-22-2008 10:59 AM

Is anyone else worried about the prospect of actually finding out how Teddy Bear's brain works?

Lilith 12-22-2008 11:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I was able to get a preview of her MRI.

PantyFanatic 12-22-2008 11:47 AM

I'm really looking forward to it. :loveshowe

Aqua 12-22-2008 12:06 PM

I'm praying for the best possible outcome and that the Dr's will learn much while studying your brain activity. Thanks for letting us know! Keep us updated, please. ((((Teddy)))

Lilith 12-22-2008 03:31 PM

Now they will find the elusive perv cortex :p

dm383 12-22-2008 03:38 PM

Hi Teddy,

Sorry and glad in equal measure to hear your news. I refuse to give in to anything bad at all, ever, and it sounds like you're the same - so MORE POWER TO YA!! :)



osuche 12-23-2008 02:18 AM

(((Teddy)))) - wishing you health

dicksbro 12-23-2008 04:04 AM

Lots of love and prayers from our home to you and your family! God bless and may everything go super well for you!

(((( HUGS ))))

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