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classydj 10-19-2001 02:24 AM

Need Help/Advice
Hey im a 19 year old male from Calgary Canada. My problem is that for as long as ive been serious with women sexually [sadly around 6 months now which isnt too long] I have had trouble ejaculating. Everything feels great but after 1-2 hours of playing we usually r both exhuasted. The girl has usually cum 2-3 times or more and i m still yet to cum. As i said it feels great and i have been with 4-5 women and had the same problem with all of them. It doesnt matter how much forplay we have or how many differnt things we try. The only possible explanations at this time r 1. I m on anitdepressants, effexor. 2. I have a low sperm count [possibly due to the large amounts of mountain dew i used to drink]. 3. i have a curve in my cock and although it is slight and i can still cum it may be making it harder. The idea of a man that can usually last forever may sound great to many of u women and even some of u men, but it isnt that great. The problem u see is that im left feeling horny and like im broken. My gf feels like she cant please me, and lastlyit makes it all frustrating and sometimes causes trensionrather than being relaxing and joyfull.

Please help me any advice is appreciated


ROCKHARD 10-19-2001 03:13 PM

dont know
The only one that sounds like would be giving you problems is the Effexor. Have you said anything to your doctor about the effects of the medication your taking? I know that there are a lot of medications that can cause your problem. Ask you doc.

Nubian 10-19-2001 04:51 PM

I'm with Rockhard
Reasons number 2 and 3 don't cut it should have an effect. One of the signs of depression is decreased sex drive, so there might be some correlation between your illness and difficulty ejaculating. In any case, it's bes to consult with your MD to ascertain the cause.

scotzoidman 10-19-2001 11:23 PM

2. I have a low sperm count [possibly due to the large amounts of mountain dew i used to drink].

The mountain Dew/low sperm thing is just another urban myth, kinda like the stuff they say about my drug of choice, Coca-cola. I say check with the MD, antidepressants have fewer side fx these days but still each person reacts differently.

kenneth 10-22-2001 12:31 AM

talk to a doctor
although I'm on similar drugs. i go through a couple similar side effects sometimes

classydj 10-23-2001 02:04 AM

Thanks for the advice all
Any more advice is always welcome

Thanks in advance

dm383 10-06-2002 06:22 PM


I'm a Psychiatric nurse, and I reckon your problem is almost certainly due to the Efexor - one of the side-effects of SSRI's is alteration in sexual function, usually delayed ejaculation, and a change in medication will probably be beneficial to you. (and your g/f)

So yeh, go see your doctor, but most of all - DON'T WORRY!

Good luck.

airhog 11-08-2002 11:24 PM

first time poster here. I would like to say something about my own first sexual experiences. I could not orgasm during sex. I masturbate nearly every night, and thought that this was my problem. I had sex at least 7 or 8 times with 3 different partners. You need to learn to just let it all go. dont worry about how it feels, or if your pleasuring her. I took paxil and when i first started taking it, i couldnt orgasm, but after a few weeks that stopped.

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 11-09-2002 03:32 AM

You've had very sound advice so far and there isn't a lot I can add other than, trust me I understand your frustration.

I had a sexual partner who had medical problems (very different from yours I might add. Physiological, not psychological) which meant that he could not cum during intercourse at all, no matter what position, how long we did etc etc. As much as this sounds like every woman's dream, it really wasn't. We has fantastic sex, but I longed to be able to please him in that way and while I knew it was not my fault (or his, obviously) all I wanted was to have him cum inside me. It's such a basic human instinct . . .

Fortunately for you, you are not in the same position he is, medically speaking, so hopefully, a change in your medication should do the trick. Be sure to let us all know how you get on.

FussyPucker 11-09-2002 11:45 AM

It's already been said but I'll throw my words in too I agree totaly that your problem is a direct result of your medication. I have had a similar problem since I started taking Seroxat. Difficulty ejaculating is listed among the side effects along with a load of others that I've managed to stear clear of.

I went from being able to masturbate to ejactulation 3 times a day to being lucky if I could manage it once a week !

You need to mention the problem to your Doctor don't worry if you feel it's an embarrasing subject I'm sure you doc has heard it many times before.

Ironwood 11-09-2002 12:39 PM

"The most commonly observed adverse events associated with the use of venlafaxine ... and abnormal ejaculation/orgasm and impotence in men."

BlueSwede 11-09-2002 05:56 PM

I had that problem with every antidepressant my doctor prescribed for me until I switched to Wellbutrin. What really got me was that those other antidrepressants didn't take away my DESIRE to have sex and orgasm, just my ABILITY to orgasm. I told my doctor I'd rather be depressed than not be able to have orgasms; I felt like it was the only good thing I could afford to do for myself at the time.

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