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Omniblade 12-01-2001 11:58 PM

lol just a little request
Hey there everyone your everfriendly lurker Omni once again makes an appearence well this time I was just wondering I know this has probally already been covered but I was wondering where everyone was from, nothing too specific lmao I'm just wondering about country , more specifically I was wondering if there were any canadian beauties around I'm canadian myself and was just curious oh and by the way I love you guys! lol if fI was ever gonna post pics with me and my love it would most definatly be here of course my love isn't to up for it and I think I'm just a touch to jealous to share her with everyone O.o perhaps I'm just greedy oh well my bad maybe someday anyway I'm rambling now lol so I'll just shut my mouth and go back to my lurky goodness bye bye till next time everyone!

sugarfreecandy 12-02-2001 12:24 AM

How's it going, eh?
Hi there, 'everfriendly lurker' Omni! (Trust a Canadian to be a friendly lurker... lol)

Just thought I'd say hi from another Canuck. I'm new here, so no pics posted (yet...) but when I can work up my courage, we'll have to show these folks the true art of making love in a canoe --- what do you say? Or should we maybe give demonstrations of how to steam up an igloo? :p rotfl

Remember, the 'beaver' is a truly noble 'animal' --- and my name is sweetstuff, and I. AM. CANADIAN!

Thank-you kindly.

--- sweetstuff


TDK 12-03-2001 06:11 PM

Re: How's it going, eh?
and what a sweetstuff she is :p:D

Originally posted by sugarfreecandy
and my name is sweetstuff
Thank-you kindly.

--- sweetstuff


Lovediva 12-03-2001 10:18 PM


Ditto for me too!

TDK 12-03-2001 10:27 PM

arent Candains great?? gotta love them :D

Originally posted by LoveDiva4u

Ditto for me too!

Prophet Reality 12-03-2001 11:02 PM

Well the Netherworld touches down everywhere, but my center is in the Rocky Mountains of the US.

motega20 12-04-2001 10:53 PM

NE here
Right now I live in the beautiful state of CT on one of it's wonderful college campuses. I like to think that I live in NYC with my g/f but that will jsut have to wait...

monocrow 12-07-2001 01:36 AM

in the handle of the pan
Hiya everybody...

I'm down in North Florida, wondering when winter will start.

Can't wait to vacation!

Lady Pleaser 12-10-2001 04:57 PM

Central Illinois here. The cold weather is just moving in .

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