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Old 07-26-2002, 05:39 PM
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Bear Bear Bear Bear is offline
Built Tough Up North
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Manitoba
Posts: 296
It was night out but surprising himself he found it inviting and beckoning him to join with the darkness. He sensed a presence in the woods, which scared him, yet excited him. He felt a stirring in his groin and decided to put some pants on. He opened the door and left the cabin for the last time. Feeling the strong breeze blowing through his hair, he was amazed by what he could smell. It was like a sense of radar. Oddly enough no creature was in the vicinity they seemed to give him a large perimeter. Then he heard the howling of wolves closer then any other animal dared to go. He headed off in the direction of the sound, which brought him across the sandbar. Not paying attention to anything but moving forward his pants were soaked by the splash of water from waves breaking on the sandbar. He reached the other side of the sandbar and smelt the smell that had brought him out of the cabin. He remembered what it was now. It was the wet pussy of the one named Robyn his lady.
Pixie Girls are the best!
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