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Old 09-14-2005, 08:17 PM
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Steph Steph is offline
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Originally Posted by WildIrish
I once scared my mother by giving myself hickeys with the vacuum cleaner.....all over my body.

This sentence is worth a year's worth of 'net bills for me right there!!!

I don't know if I've told the story of my conception before . . . thought I did but it's not in this thread . . . my young biological mother went to Israel and met my father, a Czech soldier on the run from the Russians (I think -- either that or he was running from his own army). My mother returned to Newfoundland and gave me up for adoption.

I've just got a couple more steps to go to finalize the search and will get on that asap. I just got a letter from Post-Adoption Services today telling me I need to send money for some paperwork.
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