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Old 09-15-2005, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Lilith
What made you see the light, so to speak? Don't you think the inner city kid thing was your purpose? Have you considered mentoring now?

I don't know that I ever "saw the light" as such...just gradually fell away from being a fanatic eventually to where I am now, which I guess is sort of an agnostic who wants to hedge his bets Dealing with other peoples' kids was something I didn't do well enough to ever fool myself into thinking it might be my purpose...just ask anybody who worked with me that summer if they think I missed my calling. Actually, now that I think about it, it may have been the talent show they had for the counselors that I did not participate in that reminded me that I had a love for music, but didn't know any songs I could play & sing in front of experience at that point was mostly playing bass in Music City's first ever heavy metal band, & that didn't seem like a great talent to display at a church camp...

Doesn't take me long to come back with an answer, huh?
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