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Old 10-11-2005, 02:18 AM
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BIBI BIBI is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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It's a terrible thing smoking and you should quit and so should I

Maybe we will one day........

I live in a city that disallows any smoking in any closed venue and even some open venues. I smoke in my home and in my car and outside. I am not anti social nor do I hamper the environment. Well at least not any more than the local industry, transportation pollution or air conditioners do....

I don't blow smoke in people's faces and I would never dream of smoking around a child unless outside. My family and social circle consists of mainly non smokers. Some have never smoked and some have quit. To those that have quit I admire and feel envious of, for I have quit so many times and failed that I have lost count.

I was born in the fifties and I grew up in a house with 4 smokers. My parents friends all was the norm back then.

I started smoking at 16. It was so easy...not once did I cough or get a sore throat the first time I did it. I can only come up with one reason for this....I had been getting smoke all my life. Someone was always smoking in my house or a cigarette was burning in an ashtray. I was breathing it in right along with them and so it was natural for me physically and socially.

Neither of my kids smoke. I equate this to being educated on the bad affect it has on health, their father being a non smoking role model and the example I set time and time again not being able to quit. I also told them that one smoke is all it took for me to start and they have both told me that even though they wanted to try they were always afraid to start in case they couldn't stop.

That's enough for now!
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