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Old 10-11-2005, 11:35 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Revenge IS Sweet!

This is the first of seven parts to this story, which runs to over 40,000 words in total. If anyone wants the rest, leave a comment or PM me. Thanks



He was ANGRY! No, ..... totally apoplectic! The skinny, sexless bitch that was his boss had gone way too far this time. He was going to have to do something, even if it was just to make him feel better about himself. The more he thought about what had happened, how embarrassed and useless she'd made him feel, the more he thought about revenge. Going home from work, he had a long shower in an effort to feel more relaxed then, sipping a beer in warm sunshine seeping through his window, his anger dissipated to a cold, raw hatred deep in his gut. It was then that he began to concoct the beginnings of his plan.....

He thought back to the events which had led him to this place. Tom White was 35 years old, the eldest in a family of 5 which comprised his four sisters and him, all born within seven years. His mother had brought them all up after Tom's dad had been killed at his job of railway engineer, his pension and the payout offered by the rail company helping to ease the burden of his loss. Despite this financial help, Tom had helped bring up his sisters so his mother wouldn't need to 'buy in' help, and he had learned all kinds of things as a result, some of which had been enhanced by a three-year hitch in the army. He had retrained after his discharge, and now enjoyed his work as a psychiatric nurse, moving to this island six months before in response to an advertisement for nurses trained in all aspects of psychotherapy.... or at least he had until this recent humiliation at the hands of his incompetent, but connected, boss.

As he thought back to the events of the day, he had to determinedly push down the feelings of intense anger; a patient Tom had been working with for some time had committed suicide a week ago, much to his surprise. He had known the man was very depressed, but he felt they had begun to make some headway in dealing with the complex issues he faced and which contributed massively to his illness. As if that wasn't bad enough Tricia, his skinny, self-serving boss, had commented in front of everyone on shift how it must have been the poor quality of therapy from Tom that caused the man to take his own life; Tom had taken the bait swiftly, without thinking, and she had launched a scathing and withering attack on his professionalism and integrity. In his attempts to defend himself he had allowed his comments to become personal, and had ended up on a disciplinary charge - this had taken place that morning, and resulted in Tom receiving a final written warning about his future conduct! He was determined to extract some form of recompense, especially as he'd since found out that Tricia had been in charge the day his patient had killed himself, and it was her fault the man had had the opportunity to do what he did.

Tom was divorced, and since coming to the island had shared a house with a guy he had known from his service days who was now working in the I.T. Industry. He knew Steve well, and the two of them were like brothers in how they watched each others backs when they were out on the town, just as they had in the old days. Tom knew Steve would help him in his act of revenge, just as if he'd been the one who'd suffered himself. He also knew that Steve would probably enjoy it - there was a touch of the psychopath about Steve, which may come in quite useful in the days and weeks to come!

Tom took a 4-week leave of absence from work, and commenced his preparations. The house had a fully equipped garage attached to it, plus a spacious basement - an unusual addition on the island, which Steve had excavated for storing his computers in a cool environment. This basement would play a pivotal part of Tom's plan, and Steve was quite happy to move his computer equipment to another part of the house. Tom, with some help from Steve, spent most of the four weeks building and adapting the basement to suit their plan, acquiring some specialist items not commonly found on the island, until finally everything was in place. Tom then returned to work, feeling refreshed and content that the next phase of the plan could be put into action.

He was welcomed back by his colleagues, who had a great deal of respect for him and his expertise and had missed his calm influence on the patients. The only one not pleased to see him was Tricia, but he ignored her as best he could, biding his time until phase two could be implemented. This happened sooner than he had hoped; knowing she lived alone, Tom and Steve had kept her under a loose surveillance to find out what kind of routine she had. This had proved easy, thanks to the skills they had learned in the service, and they quickly determined the best place and time to put their plan into action.

A plan comes together

Tricia's main passion, outside of picking on anyone and everyone at work, was horses. She was due a two-week holiday the next week, which Tom knew from past experience would be spent riding her horse most days, possibly with occasional nights out with her friends. Occasionally she had gone away for a week or so, at which times she would get one of her friends to look after her horse. He and Steve planned their move for the second day of her holiday, to give them enough time to carry out their plan before she was due back to work. They wrote a note to Tricia's friend, asking her to look after the horse for 10 days - this would be put through the woman's letterbox that day. They then took Tom's 4X4 and parked it out of sight, close to Tricia's stable yard.... then, they waited. Sure enough, Tricia arrived to see to the horse, Tom and Steve watched as she swiftly went about the daily routine. When she had finished, she walked past the end of the barn towards her car; unbeknownst to her though, Steve was poised at the edge of the building, and when she passed by he slipped silently behind her and, with a pad soaked in an anaesthetic liquid he had "acquired", covered Tricia's mouth and nose, holding the pad tightly until she fell limp in his arms. Quickly, the two men bundled her into the boot of her own car, Steve taking off in his 4X4 and Tom right behind him. When they reached the house, Steve had already put up the garage door, and Tom drove straight in without anyone seeing him. They had deliberately picked this time, as both the neighbours would be out that night to a golf function on the other side of the island. Steve then helped Tom lift Tricia out of the car, and together they carried her into the house and down the stairs into the prepared basement, placing her on the specially-built bench in the centre of the room. Quickly, they stripped the unconscious woman of all her clothes, securing her to the bench with the attached ropes, then stood back to examine their handiwork. Satisfied, they took a few minutes to contemplate their actions.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this mate?" Steve asked

"Of course" replied Tom, "don't you?"

"Hell yes! After all the things she's done, to you and the rest, she deserves anything that happens to her. You can include me well and truly IN!"

"Good on ya, mate.... I knew you wouldn't let me down!" Tom answered, a feeling of satisfaction welling up inside him.

Now the two men could relax for a minute or two, and they stood watching the naked woman now stretched out on the bench in front of them. She was attached by her wrists and ankles to the complicated sections of the bench, her small breasts flat against her ribcage and the small bush of gingerly pubic hair now springing out from her groin.

"She looks almost anorexic to me" said Steve, "not much meat on her at all".

"Well, we don't have to find her attractive mate" Tom replied.

"True" Steve answered, "but look at how thin her legs she manages to stay on that horse of hers is beyond me".
Tricia was now showing signs of waking from her enforced sleep, and with a last check of her bonds, the two men left the room, turning off the spotlights in the ceiling so that the woman would wake in darkness, not having any idea of where she was or what was in store for her. These were just one of the many alterations the two men had made to the room over the past weeks, in addition to extra soundproofing, and they were confident that the woman would be in a state of panic very soon. They could hardly wait!

Tricia Mulholland came slowly awake into darkness, groggy, and unsure of just what had happened to her. As she came more awake, she became aware that she was lying on her back with her arms spread apart above her head, and secured by some soft-feeling, yet immensely strong cuffs. As she allowed her senses to drift down her body, she very soon became aware that her legs were also spread wide, and also secured by the same type of restraint as her wrists. She could feel a cool breeze drifting across her body.....wait a minute - ACROSS her body? Oh God, she was naked! As she narrowed her concentration, she could feel her nipples puckering in the cool air, and the delicate flow of air amongst her pubic hair. She realised then that she wasn't SEEING any of this; had she gone blind? Blinking quickly and repeatedly, she soon realised that she was, in fact, in pitch blackness, not a chink of light to be seen anywhere. She laid back on the bed? gurney? She wasn't sure; only sure that it too was solidly constructed and she was safe from falling, at least.

She could feel the beginnings of panic setting in now, and to keep it at bay she attempted to reconstruct how she had got here. She remembered having been at the stable, mucking out, feeding and watering her horse, Strongbow; then everything was a blank until she woke up here, naked and cold. Then, the panic swept in again, and Tricia began to scream and scream and scream.................

When she woke again, it was still pitch black. She was still naked. She was still cold.

Oh GOD! Where are you, when I need you?

Tom and Steve descended the stairs into the basement, both dressed identically in black boiler suits and black-visored, black motorcycle helmets. They didn't want Tricia to recognise them, for the moment anyway! Tom switched on the powerful spotlights as he began his descent, and when he reached the bottom he could see Tricia lying on the bench, her eyes screwed tightly together against the viciously bright lights.

"Hello, Bitch" he said, his voice an eerie electronic distortion of his normally mild tones ~ one of the tricks Steve had come up with so that Tricia wouldn't recognise them. This took the form of a tiny box strapped near their larynxes; it made both of them sound rather like an evil Stephen Hawking thought Tom. But, it did the job... for now.

As Tricia gradually regained her sight, she was aware of the two black-clad figures standing at the foot of the bench. She could now see clearly that it was modelled loosely on a weight-bench, but with a number of differences she could only wonder at just now.
The main items she observed were two steel poles at either end of the bench, each about two inches square, with a complicated system of pulleys and wires attached to it. She shivered involuntarily as she imagined just what they could mean for her.

Tom moved up to the head of the bench so that he could look into the upside-down eyes of his tormentress; he felt a tiny frisson of shame as he looked at the scrawny, naked woman, but quickly quashed it - he knew what he was going to do, and he would let nothing stop him now.

"Well now, Tricia" he said, finally, "have you worked out yet why you're here?"

"No, I haven't" she replied, her voice breaking at the last second, betraying the fear just below the surface.

"Are you going to tell me?"

"Yes, I am" Tom answered, the electronic voice displaying no emotion.

"It's my small attempt to repay you for all the back-stabbing you've done over the years, getting good nurses sacked for no reason other than your own petty spite, putting people down if they don't happen to YOUR ideas of 'normality' - which, by the way, are pretty damn warped!"

"You''re not going to hurt me..... are you?" Asked Tricia, in a small voice. "I mean...."

She could go on no further.

"It wouldn't be outwith the bounds of possibility" Steve now entered the conversation.
"After all, when did you ever stop to think about hurting anyone else?"

"How do you people KNOW these things?" she screamed, "I DEMAND to know who you are and what you want with me!"

"I don't think you're in much of a position to demand ANYthing" Steve replied curtly, "so if I were you, I'd just keep quiet and think about all the unpleasant, hurtful and downright nasty things you've done to folks over the years. And just pray we're not as vindictive as you ~ after all, we DO have reasons, unlike you!"
As soon as he finished speaking, Steve nodded to Tom and the two made their way back up the stairs, turning the lights out as Tricia continued screaming questions into the darkness. They closed the door at the top of the stairs, cutting her voice off in mid-expletive.

"I think she'll keep for a few more hours mate, what d'you think?" asked Steve.

"Yup, I think you're right" Tom smiled his answer. "Let's go out for a pint, eh?"

Before going out, Tom phoned his immediate boss, stating that he was taking some emergency leave and wouldn't be back for at least a week, citing a family emergency as the reason. His boss was very understanding, and told him to take all the time he needed;
"After all, Tricia's not here to argue, is she?" she said.

"No, she certainly isn't" Tom smiled to himself, thanking his boss for her compassion.

Steve and Tom sat in their favourite pub, which was nice and quiet at this time of night, discussing their immediate plans. They had already discussed the broad outline of their plan, and Steve now wanted to make sure his friend had the nerve to go through with what they'd planned, as he knew this whole scheme was alien to Tom basic nature.

"I guess I do feel a little bit nervous about it" Tom said to him, " but we've started now, so we have no choice but to keep on 'til the end. After all, if we let her go now, she'll get the police involved, things could get VERY messy for you, mate"

"Hell, you don't need to worry about ME Tom" Steve retorted, "It wouldn't bother me in the least leaving this island; truth is, I was getting a bit bored anyway, this has livened things up a bit for me!"

Tom knew his friend had a low threshold for boredom, and had been quite surprised he had stayed on the island for as long has he had. Steve had said that the only reason he stayed was because the money he earned at his job was very good, but he had saved a lot of money over the past few years and had been planning to 'spread his wings' quite soon if this hadn't come along. Tom also lived quite frugally, and although his salary was nowhere near as much as Steve's, he too had a tidy sum stashed away. After their second pint, the two men decided it was time to return to the house, and see what their captive was getting up to.

On their return to the house, the two went directly into Steve's computer room, where he had set up some extra equipment he had borrowed from work. In addition to a state of the art video monitor and twin recorder, he had installed cameras with special infrared capability in the basement, and the men now sat in front of the monitor to watch their captive in tones of red and black on the 19-inch screen. At this moment she was quiescent, not struggling with the straps securing her to the bench as she had been earlier.

"Time to go and wake her up, I think" said Tom, and the men donned their boiler suits and helmets before descending the stairs into the basement.

Tricia had fallen in to a light doze, and let out a small whimper of fear as the bright spotlights clicked into life above her. For a few seconds she was disorientated, but quickly she remembered what had happened to her, and the predicament she was in. Having been restrained now for several hours, her shoulders in particular were quite painful due to the unnatural position they were trapped in. Despite being able to move a little on the bench, she had been unable to relieve entirely the cramps that had set in and as soon as she saw the two men coming down the stairs she let them know how sore she was. The taller of the two men (Tom, although she didn't know this) put a finger in front of his helmet, in a parody of the 'shush' gesture used by parents all over the world.

"Hush now, Tricia; we'll sort that out for you right now"

"Thank you........ oh, THANK you" she whimpered, angry at herself for appearing so weak, but unable to help herself. She started squealing again seconds later, when the tall man went to the top of the bench and began winding some sort of winch contraption - but instead of slackening her bonds off, it was stretching her arms higher above her head!

"Ow, ow , owwowwwww!!" she screamed, as her body seemed to be stretched intolerably even straighter over the plastic material of the bench. "That HURTS, you bastards!"

"I don't think my ears can take such foul language" the smaller man said in his eerie electronic voice, "I think we'll leave you to think some more, dear. What do you say mate?"
Tom merely nodded, and the two men again ascended the stairs, however this time they left the lights on, so Tricia could better appreciate the decor, or lack of it!, in the basement room.

Back in the 'viewing room', as they had taken to calling it, Tom and Steve sat and watched the woman framed on the screen as she tried half-heartedly to struggle against her restraints. They had decided to leave her for half an hour, no longer, as to keep her arms pulled up as they were could cause more pain and discomfort than they wished to inflict - for now, anyway. Playing with the tilt and zoom of the remote-controlled cameras, Steve closed in to the supine woman's face, which now wore a rather desperate, yet resigned, look. Panning downwards from her face, he paused at where her small breasts were stretched flat across her drawn-out ribs. Zooming in even closer, he commented to Tom,

"Tell you what, mate, she's got a cracking set of nipples there!" Steve stared intently at the glowing screen, adjusting the camera so he could see both of Tricia's erect nipples which protruded at least ¾ of an inch from her body.

"I suppose she has" agreed Tom reluctantly, "pity they're attached to such a Grade A bitch!"

"We-e-e-ll.... there's nothing to say we couldn't have a wee bit of fun with her.......... is there?"

"Guess not" Tom replied; in truth, and much to his own disgust, he was feeling quite aroused at the prospect of using and abusing this woman who had caused him so much stress and self-doubt.
"Good for you mate!" exulted Steve, and continued his sweep down the length of Tricia's slim body. On reaching the, rather plump, mound of Tricia's mons pubis he paused again.

"A bit hairy for us Tom, don't you think?" he asked, "I reckon we'll have to shave that off".

"Mmmm" was the only answer he got, as Tom mentally relived some of the woman-sharing exploits he and his friend had enjoyed over the years. It was true, he thought, both of them had a taste for slim, small-breasted women, and in particular shaved pussies. Tom's preference was for brunettes, while Steve preferred blondes, but they both were quite happy to make exceptions where the occasion demanded! Steve zoomed closer in to the woman's groin, and both men saw that her inner lips protruded enough from her labia to be visible through the hair around her slit.

"Looking better and better, my old mate" muttered Steve, "she's got a cracking set of lips on her there!"

Resuming his traverse down Tricia's body, he lingered again on her legs, which under such close scrutiny appeared well-muscled and slim rather than 'skinny' as they had first believed.

"Not bad legs either really, she's got more muscle there than I first thought" Tom this time made the first comment, "must be all that horse-riding she does".

"So, what have you decided then Tom?" Steve asked, "are you up for a 'bit of fun?"

"Hell, yeah - why not?" he answered, "we can adapt things to 'have our cake AND eat it!'"

After another few minutes watching Tricia relax against her restraints, the two men decided to attend to her more basic functions before hitting the sack. Descending to the basement again, Steve slacked off the winch so that Tricia could relax her arms somewhat, and also slightly slackened the tension on her legs. It was now that another of the special adjustments to the bench was revealed to the captive woman; First, Tom raised the back portion of the bench so that she was in a sitting position; next, he removed a square of bench at the level of Tricia's groin, to reveal a commode-type basin underneath.

"Right" he said curtly, "if you want to go, do it now. There won't be another chance 'til the morning".

"Surely you don't expect me to go while you two stand and watch, do you?" she asked, horrified.

"Well, we certainly aren't going to leave you like this" Steve answered her. "Like the man said, if you want to go, go now. There won't be another chance".

Resigned by now to her fate, Tricia eventually relaxed enough to pass her water, for which she was indeed grateful, although she wasn't about to let these vile men know that!

"I'm hungry and thirsty, too" she murmured.
"That's OK - we're not monsters" riposted Tom. He then fed her a sliced apple, one piece at a time, then allowed her to sip a glass of water.

"Is that ALL?" she squealed, "one lousy apple and some water?"

"For tonight, yes" Tom snarled, "and think yourself lucky to get THAT"
With that, the two men returned her to her previous position on the bench, ensuring that she wasn't likely to suffer too badly from cramps. They then left the room and went upstairs, the sounds of the woman's curses dying away as the door swung closed. After watching again from the viewing gallery, and observing Tricia drift eventually into a restless slumber, the two retired to bed and slept the sleep of the just.

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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