Thread: The Secret
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Old 10-21-2005, 07:59 AM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Chapter Three

I was right in guessing that it would be a week before my parents were able to make it back to the farm. It actually turn out to be ten days before they returned. My father thanked Wade for take care of everything, and me, while they were stuck in town. They had sold all of the goods that had taken. The sheriff and his wife had insisted that they stay at their home until they were able to make it back to the farm. The sheriff said that this way they would be able to save their money instead of spending it on a room and food. My parents were instant that they help out around the sheriff's homes. My mother helped to cook and mend quilts with his wife, while my father, a master furniture maker as well as a farmer, repaired furniture for them.

"Wade," my father said, "I'd like to talk to you privately in the other room please."

I wondered what my father was going to say or do. Did he know, or suspect, that Wade and I had laid together. I looked to my mother for some hint of what was going on, but she just looked away from me. I stood next to the door way and listened as they talked. My mother glanced at me and smiled. I thought that she was going to tell me that it wasn't nice to eavesdrop on others conversations, but instead she held her finger up for me to be quite. She then went back to what she was doing. I listen intently to what my father was saying.

"There was a man in town looking for you. When I told him that you were my hired hand, he said that if I had a daughter that I should watch you around her. He then pulled me aside and lowly told me that anyone who trusted a skinwalker deserved what he got."

My father paused and I could hear one of them moving around. My father continued, "I know what a skinwalker is, Wade. I want to know two things; are you a skinwalker and have you laid with my daughter?" I just knew that dad was going to explode if Wade answered him truthfully.

"I've never lied to you Mr. Evans. I never told you about my past or who I am because you never asked. Now you're asking and I will answer you truthfully. The answer is 'yes' to both questions. But I did not force myself on her. And yes Mr. Evans, she knows who and what I am."

There was another pause and then finally my father said, "Thank you for your honesty. I'm sure that Katrina has told you that I know what a skinwalker is. I, like the indians I trade with, also hold them in high reguard. I am honored that you will soon be my son-in-law. And your right, I never asked you before, so you had every right to keep your secret to yourself. I had always wondered if you were one because you always insisted on staying in the barn and like to talk walks at night. It was during the first full moon after you arrived that I knew I could trust you. I watched as you left the barn in human form each night. I guarded the house all night long each night too. When you didn't attack us, I knew then that you never would." I heard my father slap Wade on the back before saying, "Now son, let's get the chores done so we can all sit down to supper."

I could tell that Wade was happy that his "secret" was out in the open now. My mother, who had heard the conversation too, hugged him and kissed his cheek as soon as he walked back into the room. "Welcome to the family, son," she said. For the first time, Wade was proud of who he was. Over dinner dad and him talked about him being a skinwalker.

"I've never met one until you," dad said. "How did you become one? How old are you?"

Wade swallowed his food before answering. "Unlike many who are bitten by a skinwalker and then transformed, I was born one. My father was one and my mother was human. There are even female skinwalkers. I kinda hate to tell how old I am. I don't know if the three of you will believe me or not."

My dad smiled at him. "The indians say that your kind can live a long time. So how old are you?"

"I'll be one hundred and fifty this summer."

Dad gave a long whistle. Mom and I stared at him. "One hundred and fifty," I said, almost chocking on my food. They rest of the meal mom and I listen as dad and Wade talked about his experinces and what he had seen over those years. My father was truly excited to learn that Wade was a skinwalker. That night Wade moved into the spare bedroom of the house. It was only during the full moon did he stay outside. That summer, Wade and I were married.

Chapter Four to follow soon.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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