Thread: wheelchair?
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Old 09-25-2001, 08:06 PM
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SensualLove SensualLove is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 63
~Back when I was 17, I had a friend who was in a car accident and was paralysed from the waist down. It took him 2 years to accept the person he became. As all his friends did. We beacme very close and spent alot of time together. We went out to drive-in theatres, parties and even dancing! Dancing was the best....ever slow dance and kiss sitting on a man's lap??'s like you are floating on air...mmm ~Sigh~

Anyway, to make a long story short, even though he was uncapable of achieving an erection, the passion, the wanting, the desire, the man...was still there. The love making was out of this world....his sole desire was to please and fullfil...not with his penis, but with his soul..... it was simply amazing...

Just because this person was in a wheelchair, didn't mean he couldn't love...he just loved deeper and more intimate.

I really miss him...due to complications with his accident he passed away 20 years ago. But Nobody has ever come close to his sensual love making since...
Does Sensual Love Making Still Exist?
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