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Old 08-14-2002, 08:01 AM
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lixnlix69 lixnlix69 is offline
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In this order.......I voted "Other" (BTW)

1. smile (and teeth....whether they are white or yellowed....crooked or straight)

2. Eyes (How far the smile goes up to them and if they are playful and sparkling....and not just looking back at my tits!)

3. Chest and shoulders (at this point I am guessing his chest size and wondering if he eats Wheaties or a gob of cinnamon buns for breakfast)

4. Hands (Can tell a lot from a mans hands....well manicured is oh so nice! Nails cut back and clean even when you know he is a mechanic or some other kind of grease monkey. And finger length is interesting too.

5. Hips and thighs and calves (all in one fell swoop....looking to see if he can crack walnuts with the thighs, if his calve muscles are flexed and if he has a bow to his legs.)

6. Feet.......(If they are not in shoes I will be looking! If they are in shoes, sooner or later during the course of the evening I will find a way to see them....even if it is a first date! Feet also say a lot about a man.......hygiene, and care of the foot means a man cares about his outward appearance. The angle and height of each of the toes, largest to pinky, tells me a thing or two as well but I ain't saying what!)

7. Now I have to find a way to circle him without seeming obvious! Gotta see that butt! LOL!

Mrs. Lix
VENI, VEDI, VELCRO (I came, I saw, I stuck around)!
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