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Old 12-05-2005, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by imaginewithme
I didn't know...was told I would never have any, even by a fertility specialist. I went to have blood work done to have my gall bladder removed this past Valentines day. The hospital called me back saying I couldn't have surgery becaue my blood showed I was pregnant. I was just a couple weeks to a month pregnant. I was fine physically until about 2 weeks later it hit me hard. For 4 1/2 months I had morning sickness big time. I was sent right away to have ultrasounds, bloodwork, etc due to a bad history, so we knew all the details early on. After all the worries and sickness I now have the most beautiful baby girl.
Probably more info than you wanted....I'm just still a proud mamma!

...and Proud you should be! She's absolutley BEAUTIFUL!!!! And she's lucky to have you as her mamma!

sorry Lou, stole the thread for a moment.

I knew that i was PG when i first started having dizzy spells. I was standing in the middle of a friend's livingroom and got very dizzy and had to sit. I had a feeling that i might be PG, because my son's father and i weren't always careful with using condoms....I went out, bought a test and took it at my friend's place. I came out of the bathroom crying and my friend asked what was wrong and I blurted out " (Insert Ex's Name here) is gonna be a Daddy!" Took me almost a week later to tell the Ex that he was going to be a daddy!

Otherwise, i had sore boobs and nipples and wanted a Star Trek Force Field put up and around them so NOTHING touched them. the first trimester of both of my pregnancies i was ill 24/7, but after that i did well, even actually enjoying the feeling of being PG.

Those first little flutter's of movement from the babe within makes all the discomforts and illnesses feel like nothing.

there is an excellent book called "What to Expect When You Are Expecting" I am not sure if it is over there in the UK, but if it is, I highly reccommend it.
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