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Old 01-28-2006, 11:30 AM
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Macho, macho man . . . Clay Aiken

dated a macho macho man.

What do you think of the news, dreamgurl? php

(oooh, the guy said he's saved a washcloth with Aiken's DNA on it. Ewwwwww! And he's getting death threats from Claymates. )

Tabloid Outs Clay Aiken
by Doug Windsor, New York Bureau*

Posted: January 27, 2006 - 11:00 am ET

(New York City)*"American Idol" star Clay Aiken has been outed by a man who claims to have been Aiken's lover.

The supermarket tabloid National Enquirer is carrying what it calls an exclusive interview with the man. John Paulus, a 38-year old former Army Ranger, tells the Enquirer that met Aiken just before Christmas on the internet.

"On Dec. 16, using the screen name of 'valleyprettyboy,' Clay sent me his first instant message," Paulus claims in the magazine.

Paulus say the two arranged to meet at a North Carolina hotel and that he spent the night engaged in unprotected sex with the singer.

He also claims that in the morning Aiken asked him to be his secret boyfriend.*

"Clay told me that he just came out of the closet to his mother and a few close friends last year... I hope he comes out of the closet because he'd be a great role model for the gay man," Paulus is quoted by the Enquirer as telling the publication.

The Enquirer claims that Paulus saved text messages the two exchanged and that he passed a lie-detector test. The magazine also says that Paulus saved a washcloth that contains Aiken's DNA.

The New York Daily News reported Friday that it had contacted Paulus a week ago and that he " swore he wasn't going to sell out singer Clay Aiken".

"They couldn't pay me enough to have my pics on the supermarket stand," he told The News at the time. "I am not the type of guy that would make life difficult for anyone."

I think he can actually do a lot for gay rights if he wants to go that route.
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