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Old 03-20-2006, 03:09 AM
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lizzardbits lizzardbits is offline
Awesome on my Own
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Schoolhouse Rocks!
Posts: 4,366
i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED being pregnant! Once i got over the all day sickness, I was was so happy being pregnant. I loved feeling the first kicks, the first hiccups, the general movement of baby. I would rub my belly all the time. I guess that was why i found some of the greatest contraction relief from rubbing my belly round in circles.

Also, in my experience, with labor, fear causes more pain, so i read read read everything that i could and prepared as best as i could

There were times that i was ready to be done being pregnant, but then soon after i'd think that i am NOT ready to be not pregnant. Ready to see the babe, but still be pregnant. My mind was also warped when i was pregnant, as i would have the craziest dreams and wake up laughing, or my mind would become fuzzy and forgetful. But at least i had an excuse "Oops sorry, forgot! Pregnant brain!"

Cravings are fun--really they are! My 1st, i craved BIG burritos and an orange drink over here called Tang. Think still orange Fanta with loads more sugar. Then with my 2nd, all i wanted were salads and fresh strawberries. Anything that had meat, sugar, bread, or sugary fizzy drinks made me want to barf. Then towards the end all i wanted was hot cereal, and at least it was high in folic acid. But, LMAO, i never craved pickles and ice cream as the stereotype says.

One bit of advice....use this time to do a lot of couples things with Fussy if you can. Go on weekend holidays, and make memories. go out on dates. things like that. once baby comes....well...couples time will drop dramatically.

Oh, Lou, I am soo freakin' excited for you and Fussy!
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