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Old 09-10-2002, 10:04 PM
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jennaflower jennaflower is offline
Lusting Horny Pixie
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: In your imagination
Posts: 4,292

Oh.. my.. Honestly.. I am so touched and caught off guard.. Thank You.. Thank you..

I want to take this opportunity to thank my SuperHero.. Dicksbro.. for your wonderfully fast (and need I mention HARD) instincts in coming to my rescue and risking life and limb to bring me unlimited pleasure. To Aqua... Thanks so much for saving me with your inspirational pose.. I still can't seem to get off my knees...

Now.. I have the honor of presenting to all of you... the one that everyone has voted best writer of an adult erotic series.. Yes Ladies and gents.... the winner is none other than....


Yes.. Yes... Skip... come and get your award..... a giant pin.. appropriately shaped to closely resemble your cock in its hardened state....
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