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Old 04-29-2006, 01:44 AM
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Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
Most interesting!

Just going by the notes posted here and on his web page, he started on March 14 and it took an even 2 weeks to get the first 1,000 hits. The next 8 days gave him 10 times that amount. 22 days later (or about 3 weeks) he had 800 times what he’d gotten the first 2 weeks.

Then there was a tipping point where you have to ‘study’ the numbers to make them meaningful. We go from days of major change to hours. In the next 2 hours he received over ¼ of all the hits he had to that point and was half way to his happy 3-some. The next 6 hours then DOUBLED that and made him (and her ) a winner. Now what happened in the first 3 weeks was happening every 2 MINUTES. In the next 6 hours it went from 2 Meg to 4 Meg.

Now apply these numbers/times to world population.
Makes me wonder about his it set to count every "visit," even if someone just hits the refresh button a few dozen times? I know Ebay's counters plant a cookie that makes your visit from any one computer count as one hit, no matter how many times you re-visit...
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