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Old 05-24-2006, 09:51 AM
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Mark Vieth Mark Vieth is offline
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Either don't watch it or do something about it

Originally Posted by AngelicVampires
Ok...I have some serious issues. For now, I'll just ask about one of my weirder ones, lol. I cannot stand the sight of porn. I continually compare myself to the women in porn and depress myself and get angry. I know this is a major self-esteem issue but I don't seem to be able to get over not becoming jealous and seeing porn as my competitor. Any ideas how I can stop myself from going nuts?

Hi AV, first off just let me say how very sorry I am to hear that you feel this way. Second, it is only porn, perhaps you should look at porn from a different perspective. Now we all know that porn is fun and often get's us in the mood very fast. But it can also be used as a self-education device. If you and your partner view porn from an education stand point you will find that you can learn quite a few things from it. That also depends on the type of porn that is viewed and whether it is just sex or if it is for couples. A company called "Private" (which I am sure we all know has made Silvia Saint an international star) has a range catered for couples. They have a website that you can check out if you wish.

Now I know what will probably happen, everyone else here will probably check the site out. lol

Jokes asside AV try looking at porn from a different point of view and you will probably get more out of it.
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