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Old 08-29-2006, 09:08 AM
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lizzardbits lizzardbits is offline
Awesome on my Own
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Schoolhouse Rocks!
Posts: 4,366
I know that I am guilty of being a slacker in posting recently. When I was over with Mayhem, I rarely touched the computer (I was too busy touching him)

I think that my personal lack of posting comes from stress in real life. when things are going well, you can't hardly shut me up. I was a chat-room addict, and a smut gamer extraordinaire. Now with Mayhem and I jumping through 290384670924569867 hoops just to get married, and the worries of jobs, housing, education, et cetera, well, makes me clam up.

I miss the way it was before the US gov't decided to infringe on our rights and make posting sexy pictures more difficult. That made things die down around here, I noticed.

as for suggestions on how to liven it up? I can't tell ya... my brain feels a bit bloated at the moment. I'll think on it and post back at ya.

I think that once things really start to move for Mayhem and I, that I will be a happy poster again...
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