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Old 09-28-2006, 11:40 AM
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Jizzlobber Jizzlobber is offline
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How to add a third

Okay, lame thread title, but it does get to the point. My wife and I are interested in having a threesome, another guy or girl, or perhaps another couple (I suppose that would be a foursome, but anyway)'s the issue: We're having a lot of trouble finding other partners. We both feel that it wouldn't be too terribly great if we got involved with someone we're already friends with, even if any of our friends were into this kind of thing. The other option is something a long the lines of a "friend finder" site (you know the one I mean, trying not to plug anything here) but that proposition seems a little expensive. So, I thought, who better to ask for advice than that wild and wacky group at Pixie's. So, if there are any of you out there who have some experience in this area and have any suggestions or advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
"Bass and treble heal every hurt,
There's a rebel in a nylon shirt
But the words are a mystery, I'v heard
'Til you turn it down to 33 and 1/3
'Cos it helps with the elocution
Corporations turn revolutions
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