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Old 11-01-2006, 06:18 PM
fatbeer fatbeer is offline
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Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 74
Online dating will get you a lot of dates if you are willing to pick up the phone, the great thing about that is the girls tend to be shy too, which tends not to make great dates, but does make it easy to get a little practice, plus when two shy people date the conversation sometimes ends, and when the conversation ends the fun sometimes begin's not that I advice that as you feel horrible afterward, and thats not the best way to lose your virginity.

The best thing that can happen is that you find a friend thats a girl, and I don't care if it's your sister. Going out in public with a similar aged girl having fun might not ever produce a date, but it will make you more confident.

The other thing you need to relize is that no matter how awful you are there is an equal women out there that is willing to give you a chance if you give her one. If you have a good job or are at least average looking you have nothing to worry about, just go out and try it.

Also don't worry about things that come into play once you have a relationship, after a date or two you will have a much better idea what someone is all about, and can then make a decision on a relationship. A date is simple dinner and a conversation can seem like a sure disaster, but sometimes when your forced to be open with someone else you end up having a great time.

And finally remember it's about having a good time, kissing and sex are fun, but they are not nearly as important as finding someone to enjoy spending time with, and from my experiance anticipation and masturbation fantasies tend to be more exciting.
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