Thread: Golden Showers
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Old 10-20-2002, 06:00 AM
A.K.'s Sex-Pot's Avatar
A.K.'s Sex-Pot A.K.'s Sex-Pot is offline
Now known as Loulabelle
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: England
Posts: 561
Never tried golden showers and to be honest I think it's highly unlikely that I ever will, although there have been times when a sex session has gone on for a long time that by the time I'm having intercourse I need to pee so badly that I can't let go enough to cum.

At those times it would be great to just be able to let go, allow myself to cum and not worry about whether or not I peed, but the peeing itself wouldn't be a turn on unless my partner was really into it.

Oh and I've just remembered that when I was a little girl and first experimented with masturbation, I would only ever do it when I needed to pee. I suppose the feeling of a full bladder and the feeling of being turned on are actually very similar sensations. . .
'Don't knock masturbation - it's sex with someone you love'

- Woody Allen
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