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Old 02-24-2007, 08:45 PM
1nutworld 1nutworld is offline
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Well, back to the drawing board.

Yet another job where I am either "overqualified" or they don't expect me to work for very long for the wage being offered, and so they have decided that the easiest result is to not worry about "wasting" money to train me, and they gave the job to someone else.

Has anyone been keeing track of the number of times that I've heard the phrase overqualified over the past 10 months? I bet I could put a good downpayment on a house or something if I had $100 for each time.

Being a former manager I understand not wanting to waste company money and time to train someone for a job they might leave within a few months, but why isn't anyone seeing the fact that I'm not even being OFFERED many jobs, so why would I leave right away?

The bottom line is that I need a job, ANY job, minimum wage or otherwise, why is it so difficult to see that the job offers haven't been rolling in, so why would I leave within 3-6 months or so??

Can anyone explain this to me?
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