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Old 03-07-2007, 12:36 PM
cavegirl cavegirl is offline
Pola! Pola! Pola!
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 304
One of the worst things that ever happened to me was when my first boyfriend cheated on me. I was only 18 and we'd been together a few months. He slept with my best friend - and the worst bit was that I actually caught them doing it. At the time I *thought* I loved him. The reason he gave for sleeping with my best friend was that I wouldn't sleep with him right away...he had urges and he needed to sort them out, seeing as I wasn't forthcoming, he found someone who was. No matter it was the person I'd been closest to since I was 8 years old.

So trust is a huge issue for me and has been ever since. It took me a further 6 years to be able to trust a man again - I had dates, I met people but I could never allow them to get close to me in case the same thing happened. But things changed when I met my current OH - and we've been together just over 2 years now. I can't explain it, we clicked, it felt right, I instinctively knew that this man was someone who I could trust. We've had a few rocky patches and some issues with another woman causing us problems but we've always come through them.

Mara is completely right though - you never ever truly know someone 100%.

But the right person will present themself to you, just like they did to me - and it always happens when you least expect it.
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