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Old 05-14-2007, 05:17 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
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I'll go a step further...

Since it was a blind date, someone you and she knows set it up or you went without pics on a site...right? Maybe her girlfriend was just being nosey and wanted to see what you looked like!!!???

You have to tell us this first though (in order to figure this out). Did she know you were going to that particular mini golf place prior to meeting up. She would have had to know the area to pick the place you had dinner. But golf can take a half hour up to two or more, depending on who's in front of you and how fast (good) you play. Your date would have had to keep this date on a tight schedule to make sure you and she were at the restaurant in time. at the exact time, for the girfriend show. So...if you spoke with her during the game and asked her to suggest a place to eat and then she went to the ladies room after the game, or as you got to the restaurant, she could have called her friend and told her to come check you out. Or...her friend could have told her before she went out that she wanted to check you out if the opportunity arose at some time during the evening. could all have been just a coincidence and you are reading in way too much!

I've got an idea! Why not ask her?????

With a smile and a nudge you can be honest right out of the batters box and tell her you've been curious!
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

~Thomas Dewar~
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