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Old 07-17-2007, 02:41 PM
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Teddy Bear Teddy Bear is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northeast coast, USA
Posts: 5,055
Lemon, Lyme, Mango......

Guess out of those 3 which one i've got.

If you guessed Lyme Disease you'd be correct. Should've had prizes. Sorry, didn't think of it til now.

Had a temp and felt yuck for 3 weeks before i finally went to the doc. She had a list of symptoms. If you check 20 chances are pretty good you might have Lyme. i checked off 32. (a few apply to the Parkisons & Lympedema and were not counted as a full check mark but had to be considered) Then she ordered a blood test. For most people a blood test for Lyme is inconclusive and could be read several ways, my blood test........ "no doubt you have Lyme", said the doc!!

So there are only 2 anitibiodics which fight Lyme effectively. One i'd taken before and am highly allergic to. Had never taken the other one before. Luckily i didn't react to it.

I wasn't going to post this, but somebody in chat said i should. So as it is right now i'm on my 5th week of doxycycline hyclate. The fever ended about 2 weeks ago but the rest lingers on. See doc next week and decide if antibiodic is contined past 6 weeks.

So thats my summer, bed rest, fluids, meds, taking temp and BP daily........ fun, fun, fun.

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